Monday, July 10, 2023

Am I Suited for a Pokémon Unite Team?

I've been playing Pokémon Unite for quite some time now, and I've gone through most of the experiences that the game has to offer... except for one big one. I'm still not part of a team, which is practically necessary for the best experience in playing the game. At the same time, this prospect raises certain questions, one of which is included in the title of this post. To answer the question, it is necessary to examine a few considerations that have an impact on that answer.

The first consideration is rank. Most teams, particularly those that are designed to be competitive, have the requirement of its members having the Master rank and to maintain that rank over successive seasons as the rank is reset. Meanwhile, the highest rank I've ever gotten is Veteran, and a low class at that. Thus, I'm not exactly suited for a team by this consideration, unless a team is fine having me as I am while we help each other and carry our progressions with further play.

Commitment becomes the next consideration. A Pokémon friend of mine primarily deals with VGC but has a darned good grasp of Unite as well, and now that friend is part of a team that is one of many teams under the same banner. As such, my friend has also been forced to drop a few other commitments, including those of VGC, when the team is called into action. It's this kind of commitment that I may or may not be ready for, given that I have other commitments, Pokémon or otherwise, that are not as easy to be dropped, unlike my friend's.

As well, there are technical considerations. Becoming part of a team entails changing the player name, which further entails spending Aeos Gems and thus paying for them, unless  maybe prefixes could be implemented while partially obviating the requirement. Then there is the (likely) required familiarity of one or more roles and thus possession of certain Unite Licenses and thus spending Gems... and one gets the point really fast. And they are all technical considerations that come into play.

So, with all the considerations above, it seems I may not be presently suited for a team for playing Pokémon Unite together. And yet, it's a vital part of the grand experience that the game offers, particularly for competitive play. It's still a prospective and valiant objective for anyone who still deals with the game (like me) even if it may not be completely necessary for good play. That may still be something to keep up as best as possible for now, and the team prospect might just reveal itself later on.

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