Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Prefixes in Pokémon Unite?

By now, Pokémon Unite has become rather popular as a game. Many players are getting into it, by themselves if not with a team. In the case of the latter, they even proudly - or in some cases necessarily - display their affiliation by emblazoning it on their player name. This is something workable, even if it means having to change the player name, which is possible by way of a paid item (that is, purchased with Gems). Even so, perhaps it may be best to allow this to be done, but separately without having to change the main part of the name. A feature in another MOBA game seems to provide the answer to this issue.

In that game, the part that is used to display affiliations (to teams, groups, what-have-you), is called the "prefix". In gameplay, this is displayed in another color, which in that game happens to be yellow. It is also clearly delineated from the player name, in that way complementing it as well. By reasoning, it becomes obvious that the part has to be independently changeable without having to change the player name. Something like this is what may be desirable to implement in Pokémon Unite, although this could prove to be a major change in many ways that would have to be well-prepared if so implemented.

One good reason to implement this is that some eSports registries - which may not support Unite now but may potentially do so later - have already implemented the prefix concept and provided a way for players to enter it, even though it is by no means mandatory for the other games they support. The implementation in Pokémon Unite may have to be as such as well, being optional for unaffiliated players until they become affiliated with someone or something, at which time they can then fill in the affiliation and have it appear when they play, especially as necessitated by their affiliate groups.

If it should be implemented, then there is the cost to consider. Again, changing the player name effectively requires real payment for Gems to purchase the Rename Card item, and this source of revenue may be lost to some degree if prefixes are implemented, as necessary as they are. Thus, one way to deal with this is to have the first use be free as with setting a player name in general, and further changes would also require purchase of an item, which would have to be cheaper than for changing the player name. This could also deter potential abusers of the feature to some extent and force players to use it wisely.

Being that Pokémon Unite is undeniably a MOBA game, comparisons can't help but be drawn to others of its kind, including for features that the latter have but the former doesn't. That would include prefixes, which can now be considered almost essential for competitive play to indicate affiliations with others. Such affiliations are now on the rise just like how Pokémon Unite itself is rising to greater heights of popularity alongside its more familiar MOBA brethren, and a way of indicating them may be necessary not only for the players but also to be internally supported by the game.

Two years ago: Pokémon Airplanes
Four years ago: The World Is All Here
Five years ago: I'll Be... The One
Six years ago: Shuffling in Alola

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