Saturday, April 1, 2023

April Fool's Day 2023: For the Birds

It's once again April Fool's Day, a day reserved for some craziness and tomfoolery, which may include Pokémon to some extent. And with a lot of things settling back to how they were around four years ago, the craziness and tomfoolery seems to be a lot more welcome this time around. A phrase that might be relevant for today is "for the birds"; in one figurative sense, something that has this label applied is not meant to be taken seriously, and that may be considered to apply for a lot of things on this day. But in another sense, it is much different.

For that sense, something with this label has no point or use. Already it is evident that some things don't "fit the bill" of this specific sense, like my interest in Pokémon; for the matter, it has every point and use, as something that helped to start this very blog. This sense is very much tied to the origins of the phrase, as it originally referred to excrement that birds would peck at. Such origins would suggest that certain things are like dirt even if they aren't, but that's an unnecessary implication; it is better to keep things simple, as is the case above with the interpretation for the general things of today.

As for literally interpreting this phrase, Pokémon can serve well to assist in that. There are lots of bird or bird-like Pokémon, and they're all typical and/or quirky in their own ways. Some of them feed on typical foodstuff, while others may be more elemental in their survival. Some of them may cause chaos in the usual ways that birds do, while others cause chaos in ways that are more transcendental. The world may be literally said to be a world "for the birds", even though they're just one of the many kinds of Pokémon out there.

Me: Wouldn't you agree?

Goh: Yeah! There are so many kinds of bird Pokémon out there. They can be free in the wild, they can be our friends, and sometimes they can cause lots of problems.

Ash: Like that one time in the Orange Islands. Man, was that a wild ride.

Pikachu: Pika chu. ["I'll say."]

Me: What do you think about the more common birds? Say, the Pidgey family?

Ash: They're very nice! Once you make friends with one, you're friends forever. 

Goh: But I guess there's always the possibility that a lot of them can cause chaos.

Ash: You know, Goh, you might just be right. Don't you think there are many more Pidgey out there than usual right now? 

Goh: It does seem like it. What do you think we should do?

Me: How about we catch them?

Ash: That's a great idea! Pikachu and I will get right on it.

Pikachu: Pika! ["Ready!"]

So it seems that "for the birds", they have roles to play in general order and chaos. The "chaos" of this particular day, well... most are just for pleasantries and they shouldn't be taken seriously. As for the order, it would be rather certain that birds are significant in the various ways of life - and some things could be left up to them.

Ash: I caught the Pidgey! 

Goh: Great! They were getting just a bit too numerous.

Me: I guess that's one thing you can't leave "for the birds". Nice job.

Happy April Fool's... and watch the birdie (and the birds).

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