Friday, April 21, 2023

Draft Pick in Pokémon Unite

Even though it is somewhat different than other games of its genre (MOBA), Pokémon Unite is still a member of this genre of games to a good capacity. That means it can also adopt some features that those other games have, at least for specific tidbits. One of those features is "draft pick", a method of selecting characters for battle with a twist. It's a method that especially suits tournament play in those other games, so it would not be surprising that Pokémon Unite adopts that way as well, now that its tournaments are all the rage.

The method involves three phases. The first is the "ban phase", where both teams each select one Pokémon that cannot be used - that is, banned. The second is the "pick phase", where teams alternate selection of Pokémon: the leader of one team picks one, then the leader and one other player of the other team each pick one, followed by two others from the former, and so on until the last player on the other team picks the last Pokémon. The third is the "preparation phase", which involves the usual Pokémon setup (Holowear, items, and so on) before battle; in some cases, it may also be possible to swap Pokémon with the others the team picked. In this way, each Pokémon chosen by the players is "drafted" into play, with everyone knowing what the others pick, including those of the other team.

It is likely that if one plays largely outside tournaments (like me), one won't encounter this selection method, as only normal selection is available in most cases. Regardless, one can try out the method by starting a Custom Battle and selecting the map marked as having "Draft Pick", filling with human players if possible and CPU for the rest, and having a go. For those who play in tournaments, many of them now practically require this method, especially the qualifiers for the upcoming World Championships and eventually that very tournament, so it is worthwhile to be able to get used to that selection method regardless, even if it only can be initiated as above.

Part of that effort of getting used to the method also involves familiarizing with as many Pokémon as possible, because the selection process (particularly the banning portion) may leave some Pokémon that one depends on unable to be played. Therefore, one would have to prepare a few alternative selections beforehand in case the above happens, including but not limited to a role that one may specialize in. It is still likely that based on team requirements, present demands, or other factors, one will already have a bevy of Pokémon of one role ready to be played for that purpose.

Draft pick may not be original to Pokémon Unite, but the method is shared with some of its MOBA brethren, and in a way, it does affirm the game as a genuine member of the genre. That is of particular importance now that its tournaments, which will likely impose said method on the matches, are picking up steam. Likewise, players and their teams will have to "pick up" a grasp on the method to be successful there.

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