Saturday, April 22, 2023

Keeping Relationships Real with Pokémon

Today is a special time, one that I've referenced in the past (last year and two years ago) but not directly and never will, though I can discuss things that are often thrown around during that time - certainly with Pokémon in tow as per this blog. This time, well... I've thought of two of those things that I've always wanted to discuss but cannot do so because there's an aspect of them that I don't wish to touch on this blog. But since the two are vaguely related on a certain level, I've decided to fuse the discussion of them (along with Pokémon) and the point should still come across.

Evidently, one of those things is relationships, as suggested by the title of this post. This comes naturally for Pokémon, as there are people and Pokémon that exist in the world. It also touches on the "Let's Talk" that I made exactly last year with Ash and Goh (see below), which addresses some of those relationships. People connect with each other, as is the case in the real world, but they also connect with the Pokémon, and then the Pokémon connect with others of their kind as well. There is also a lot of appreciation and reverence among all of them, and it takes a lot to keep them going... and to make that "real".

And that brings up the other part of the title. For the people to people part, that can be attested without the need of this blog. For the relationships involving Pokémon, there may be a lot of trust and devotion that makes up those efforts, and that doesn't come easily, especially in the eyes of others. Yet if the feelings are true, then the parties that are involved can then strive to keep things as real as possible, and even make that evident for others. It's almost miraculous (or perhaps it actually is... but that's a digression).

In relation to this special time, there's a certain struggle that is magnified just before it, even resulting in the need to pent up stresses, some of which may be the effect of attempting to maintain those relationships as well as to maintain the reality of them. But in the process, one then learns (or should learn) how to pent up stresses any time of the year, not just in the time before it. It may be construed that the same process could occur with the Pokémon relationships and in much of the same ways, even without a special time.

For their importance, the topics I've mentioned are hard to discuss, with or without that aspect. But that doesn't erase the fact that relationships exist among and within the parties mentioned, and that they develop in different ways, making their maintenance hard and seemingly requiring unreal efforts. Yet, if it can be accomplished, that should be real and rather special for all concerned.

Three years ago: Reading the Signs
Four years ago: PokéMania and WhatMania
Six years ago: Costume Issues

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