Sunday, April 22, 2018

Tournament: PTC18 Online Tournament 7

The latest in a series of crazy decisions in regard to Pokémon may be this one. Given my performance in the previous online tournament and my predilection about Pokémon in general, I probably shouldn't be here. But because the circumstances of the tournament itself were much like the previous one I joined, I was practically prompted to join. I myself (would have) had a lax and empty Sunday evening anyway, so this filled in the spot nicely.

The hard thing about this kind of tournament is that the coordination can be a bit tough. Since it's online, everyone has to connect with each other using the most available means, as well as with the help of 3DS Friend Codes and in-game Trainer names. But really, once the players connect and get set up with each other, it's just the battle that matters. When they don't connect, that's the problem, as unfortunately one participant had to drop because of that. Another one had to drop because of different issues, but then that still left everyone evenly paired up and available for battle.

Not much was different about this one from the last one. I lost all five battles again and didn't get an edge in any of them. The third battle was particularly fascinating and frustrating due to its progression, which was a bit of a "stall". The fifth battle showed the most promise, but one bit of technique on the opponent's side stopped that from being realized. Could it have gone in a different way? Perhaps, if I had a different technique of my own.

And yes, the team I used for this one was the same as the previous one, only with minor differences. Those minor differences also gave me a minor stroke of luck, but not enough to carry through to a victory. I had planned on something really different for this one, but it never materialized, and I was stuck with this team. I'm still not sure what could have been different, and maybe it's not for me to know just yet.

This also happens to be the last online tournament for this year's series. Though VGC 2018 carries on this year, this is the last one that is done in this manner, at least among my colleagues. I still hope that within the rest of that time I may be able to try different things and see if I can work things out. If that happens, then I may just be one step closer to becoming enlightened, whatever the circumstance may be.

One year ago: Costume Issues

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