Friday, April 28, 2023

Attraction to Poké Balls

The Poké Ball is the ubiquitous, classical, and archetypal capture device or item of the world of Pokémon. For people, it is what they will likely reach for when intending to capture Pokémon. For Pokémon, it is what determines their loyalty to a Trainer and possession by that Trainer. It may seem that either party may become attracted to the item for certain reasons, some obvious and others esoteric. It would therefore be fascinating to reason out how that would be for both parties above.

People would naturally be attracted to the device given its role in capturing Pokémon. As such, some of them might go out of their way to obtain enough of the item to make the captures that they need. That attraction, though, might lead them into some "traps", as some Pokémon have developed appearances that look like the item - Voltorb and Foongus to name just a couple - and can ensnare them, let alone other Pokémon. Then again, it's hard to blame them for their dependence on it.

As for the Pokémon, they might have some minds of their own about the item. It's used for capturing, so some free-spirited Pokémon will likely try to avoid the device to maintain their free spirits. However, other Pokémon might decide to embrace rather than avoid the item for all its advantages, and become one with the item as well as its owner. The Poké Ball appearance imitation above applies here as well, as "traps" that function by the avoidance or attraction of other species.

Given the above, the power of attraction is one that applies very well to the item. The people are attracted to it by their desire and focus, and the Pokémon are attracted to it by seeking ways to steer clear of it or just fully accept its entitlement. It seems like a strange two-sided relationship, but then so is the one that people and Pokémon share, with or without the presence or existence of the capture item. Yet if something is evident for that item, it is that attraction remains an influence on its use.

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