Thursday, April 28, 2022

Employing a Loudred "Speaker"

Over the past few days, I've been dealing with a little sound problem that has grown out of proportion. I had purchased speakers that were both stylish and functional, except for the fact that one side kept not working. I've returned the speakers in question, but that has yet to resolve the problem fully, as the purchase itself played a role in the problem and I'm left without a speaker. At this point, I'm wondering if I should have just employed the services of a Loudred for my speaker needs.

The reference is, of course, evident for any major Pokémon fan. It relates to a scene in the Detective Pikachu movie where the illegal underground battling arena did just the above: the DJ employed Loudred to create the distinctive, humming bassy sound that not only intensified the battle arena but also made it lively for the competitors. Needless to say, when the R gas got to the Loudred in question, they caused additional uproar as the battling arena became exposed.

My current situation with the speakers has led me to think a Loudred could have very well been the solution. They would have been great in generating low sounds from any situation, and thus play into good situations that result when the problem is resolved. Even so, I also can't help but wonder that the situation may not become fully resolved even with an actual Loudred being present; it might not do so well with sounds that are not low and bassy, as with the situation that occurred even without a Loudred being present in due form.

It will likely be some time before I'm able to resolve fully the situation of the speakers, but it's also nice to consider that there can be more to the situation when Pokémon is involved. And that something more is the species of Loudred with its relevance to sound as indicated above, in the realm of sounds. Though it might or might not become the solution for this current sound woe, Loudred seems to be always part of the solution as it stands in the world of Pokémon.

Five years ago: Pokémon Floor Mat

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