Sunday, April 10, 2022

Pokémon Go Community Day Classic, 4/10/2022

The true Community Day for Pokémon Go of this month isn't for another two weeks or so (more on this when the time comes), and so there's a nice gap between it. That gap would be nicely filled with another edition of Community Day, and why not Community Day Classic, the new edition that was introduced this January and seems to be quite popular then. With that, the edition returns for another go this month to revive another old Community Day edition and give it a modern twist.

Now, there is another reason why I made yesterday's post; it's a foreshadowing of today. For today, the featured Pokémon is Mudkip, as featured earlier in July 2019. In line with the principle of Community Day Classic and the previous edition, Swampert as its final evolved form gets Hydro Cannon, and the main bonus is tripled XP, which matters even more now for many Trainers than in the past due to the level cap increase. This, like Bulbasaur earlier in January, gives yet another chance.

Likewise, many modern perks now apply for today. Extended Lure Modules accompany extended Incense for those needing an alternative or complement. There are Event Field Research tasks, photo bombs featuring the Pokémon, and extra items in the Shop. Not to forget, there is also the extra paid Special Research, today as "Mudkip Community Day Classic", which again like the one for Bulbasaur explores the traits of the species family and recounts the previous Community Day experience. And as with the earlier Community Day Classic, the duration is only three hours, from 2 PM to 5 PM local time, which is fine, more so that currently this is actually a "rest" period for many people. Even so, three hours may hold some significance even for regular Community Day, which is to be explained further then.

Unlike the previous experience, I wasn't concerned with the additional "task" of sending Ash somewhere else, so I'd have the day solely for the event. Unfortunately, during half of the event period in my local area, a storm passed by (which a Swampert should have been able to detect) and affected my progress quite a bit in earning Candy, which was my primary task since I didn't get to do much of that previously with the "task" above. I also had a bit more on my evolutionary task plate: one with perfect stats that was Purified, one Shiny one obtained from a Lucky Trade with a friend, a Shadow one, and two for Great League as suggested by a friend, while adapting a previously evolved one for Ultra League. Candy XL was not a main focus, but it became nice to have, along with all of these that I managed to evolve.

With two editions now under its belt, Community Day Classic seems to have established itself just like how Community Day has overarchingly become established. It can then stand to repeat and revive any of the most notable editions from the past four full years - like this one - and update it for modern progression, and especially to fill a long gap as is the case for this month. That should mean more: more second chances, more Pokémon possibilities, and more adventures to be had.

Two years ago: Let's Get Going Today
Three years ago: Expecting the Detective
Five years ago: Evolution Revolutions?

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