Saturday, April 9, 2022

Quickies: Making Friends with Mud Skippers

The place where I live, as I've noted a couple of years ago, originally consisted of rice fields. In their original states, these are places that are often muddy - whether before or after planting and harvest - as anyone familiar with them can attest. Such places would certainly make good hosts for the family of mud skipper Pokémon that is the Mudkip species family, as they all do well in both water and mud, and thus especially so in those rice fields. It then becomes a matter of making friends with them.

It may be conceivable that when the fields are empty - before they are planted with rice - it ought to be possible to let them (specifically the smaller members of the family, Mudkip and Marshtomp) frolic, also in the hope of dredging up the soil slightly. During the time the plants are growing, the matter becomes limiting their access to the fields to let the plants grow undisturbed. After the harvest, Swampert might just provide the power to haul everything off and return everything to the blank state.

At all of these points, it seems that one has to be able to relate well to each of the members of this Pokémon species family. When they're not fully evolved, one has to be in the same mind with them to let them enjoy their lives; conversely, when they are fully evolved, one has to be in the same mind with them to allow them to do some hard work yet still have some fun in the very same fields where they enjoyed themselves previously. It's all about making good friends with them for all objectives in the fields.

Now, the rice fields around my place of residence are gone, but traces of them still remain from time to time, in the form of the mud that could be present when it rains heavily and erodes some of the exposed soil. All the same, those mud skippers could stand to still be around at times, even if there are no fields to speak of for them to play or do things in. In some sense they are still welcome, and they still should be regarded as friends regardless - ones people could really get "down and dirty" with.

Two years ago: Pokémon Upbringings
Three years ago: Benefits

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