Thursday, April 21, 2022

Community Day Meetups (Plus Local)

This month's edition of Community Day is only a couple of days away, and things are gearing up for that event. That includes a number of meetups in a number of places around the world, scheduled to take place on the day of the event. Yes, current conditions are still at large, but it seems they've subsided enough to allow these to happen, in person no less. Meanwhile, a number of other places will have special bonuses even without an in-person meetups, and they're dubbed as "remote" festivities; they're assured to have the same fun as in-person meetings without the hassles of current times.

One of those places for an in-person meetup, though not mentioned officially due to late administration, is a very famous metropolitan city where I've had some Pokémon escapades, though some fell flat on my face. That meeting is set to take place during the afternoon, even starting a few hours before the event, though it has to end (including full dispersal from the location) exactly when the event ends. The meetup location itself, while a park, is also somewhat debatable regarding its particulars, which actually inspired me to write up yesterday's post on what may constitute ideal parks.

Since the meetup is far away, I'd have to jump through the hoops of current conditions in order to make it, and I can't. Even if current conditions didn't apply, this time being supposed to be just a general "rest" period makes things even more infeasible. Still, the fact that this is the first one in a long time and is practically the first one that is officially supported, which has many further implications, is a big one. It might (and should) spawn several other local meetups, which although are not officially supported, ought to carry the spirit of the official meetup and take it beyond its local scope.

In fact, that ought to be the thread that connects all the scheduled Community Day meetups that are to occur around the world in a couple of days from now, particularly in-person ones and including the locally scheduled one above. It's been the longest time without much of any interaction among Trainers in Pokémon Go, and these meetups ought to alleviate that, even while still being in the shadow of current conditions and thereby have to play with the restrictions of those conditions. At least, the "community" bit of Community Day is affirmed and continues to be evident with them.

Two years ago: All Rumbled Out
Four years ago: Crazy Decisions

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