Monday, April 25, 2022

Pokémon Audiobooks and Audio Dramas

I've been going back over some things I intend to enjoy but haven't gotten to do so, whether due to Pokémon things or other necessities. One of these is an audiobook I want to read; it's not about Pokémon, and I've actually read the book in question in written form, but I want to enjoy it all the same in audio form. That gets me thinking about the enjoyment of ones that are actually related to Pokémon as well as their adjunct, audio dramas, that are less related to books but still related in form.

For the uninitiated, audiobooks are just that - spoken word versions of regular books. Depending on the book and its length, they might be a few hours for shorter or "abridged" books or many hours for longer or "unabridged" books. They can also span different genres from fictional novels to non-fiction compositions, and they can certainly appeal to people of different ages, from children to adults. Since Pokémon is already in the realm of books, audiobooks could appear to be a natural step.

A cursory search of top sites does show a number of hits for Pokémon audiobooks, though many are apparently unofficial, or in less sensitive terms, "indie", and official ones seem to be far and few between. Many are also related to Pokémon Go, obviously riding off its (initial) popularity and at least preserving the shade of that popularity. Of the few that aren't related to Pokémon Go, some tangential ones might be good for listening. All the same, further reach into this may be necessary.

Meanwhile, audio dramas are narratives that are acted out with voice, in essence plays that one doesn't watch but hear. In olden days, they might be heard on the radio, which gives rise to their alternate (or rather, more common) name of radio dramas. The experience could be said to be like hearing the dialogue and sounds of a TV show but with additional auditory elements to enhance the experience. As I've stated in an earlier post, it might be something those who can hear but not see (well) may be interested in.

Thanks to a bit of digging, there are, in fact, three Pokémon audio dramas. However, they're all in Japanese and involve Team Rocket somehow, with two of them coming from the infant years of Pokémon and the third being a decade old. Team Rocket fans will be sure to enjoy this, but those who are not versed in Japanese, like me, may not be drawn to them, especially being true to their form, they're "sound only". They're also dated and may be of low priority for adaptation outside of Japan.

Pokémon in any kind of form is meant to be enjoyed, even if only in audio as something like an audiobook or an audio (radio) drama. And they do exist, though some of these might not be what fans are looking for or have the ability to enjoy fully unless adapted somehow. Regardless, their existence gives credence that Pokémon can adapt to the media and still present something to be enjoyed. Right now, I may want to enjoy that audiobook I have, but there's no harm if I want to branch back into Pokémon later on.

One year ago: Pokémon Airplanes
Three years ago: The World Is All Here
Four years ago: I'll Be... The One
Five years ago: Shuffling in Alola

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