Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Keeping Things Down

One of the challenges I face in writing posts on this blog is how to "keep things down" - that is, how to keep on writing even if things aren't fully supportive. Besides being a writer on a blog and a Pokémon fan anyway, I'm a regular person, and I'm affected by things that happen to other regular people all the same. The challenge is then an important one to consider, and I have thought of two ways that I deal with the challenge.

The first way is that writing gives me the assurance that I'm helping to "keep things down" for Pokémon as well. While it's certain that the happenings of the Pokémon world may be distantly removed (in a parallel universe), it may also be true that the same happenings may just be closer than previously thought, as illustrated by Pokémon Go - it may also be for that reason that I enjoy it a lot today. By doing things and then writing about them, I feel that I'm in fact doing the above, "keeping things down" for the Pokémon and their world.

Secondly, I'm also assured that doing things for Pokémon "keeps things down" for myself as well. Doing so helps me to maintain links with other people who do exactly the same as above, to "keep things down" for that which is concerned with Pokémon. I feel that I'm also able to keep my sanity as I continue to live in my world, in some sense "receiving guidance" from Pokémon to deal with my worldly things, even ones that don't necessarily deal with Pokémon. In some ways, I am effectively able to keep myself in line.

By going through the above, I possess the confidence that I can "keep things down" with what I write and under the circumstances that I write in. Normal happenings to people will keep happening, but so will Pokémon happenings that matter to the most devoted fans like me. Yet each time I write and complete a post, I become certain that I've "kept things down" for myself and Pokémon, at least for just another day in our lives.

Two years ago: Writer Shortcuts
Four years ago: 1000 Pokémon Species?
Five years ago: That Way You've Got

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