Friday, April 8, 2022

On Trainer Footwear

Though I didn't mention it in my discussion on Trainer fashion a long time ago, footwear is also important to any Trainer, besides being a key element in life and fashion in general. It makes them look good, certainly, but it also supports them in what they do day in and out. Therefore, it also seems fair that the topic gets its own discussion while still being linked with the main topic of fashion.

Of all the possible kinds of footwear, shoes (particularly sneakers) make the most sense, as a Trainer gets around to many places in search of Pokémon, challenges, and so on and so forth. It's no wonder that the prime Trainer examples of Ash and Red also wear a pair everywhere they go, at least in their regular outfit. Even the song "Type: Wild" brings up the matter in both its Japanese and English versions, suggesting that it definitely is important. A different kind of Trainer may just use a different kind of shoe, but it's hard to escape the fact that sneakers may very well be the most important one.

If Pokémon Go is of any suggestion, it is of course that Trainers don't have to wear shoes and can wear whatever's available. They might be able to wear sandals, perhaps in the style of the Bug Catcher, and primarily go through a local wilderness adventure. They might also wear boots for rougher environments, or even ones that are integrated into their outfit (such as the ever-popular "onesie" of certain Pokémon). Or they might even wear no footwear at all, suggesting that they're homebound Trainers - perhaps like most people right now - and they just spring challenges on whoever might come to visit.

Footwear - or maybe even the lack of it in some cases - is still regardless something important, even if it's just one of the elements that are the subset of Trainer fashion and contributes to that as well as their lives. Likewise, it very much depends on their character, activities and personality, obviously suggesting that any choice of footwear may be right for the right people who are with Pokémon all the time.

Two years ago: Voyager of Glory
Three years ago: You Can, I Can
Five years ago: On the Road Again

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