Wednesday, April 6, 2022

One More Day, Time, and Chance

One more day, one more time
One more sunset, maybe I'd be satisfied
But then again, I know what it would do
Leave me wishing still for one more day with you
-- "One More Day", Diamond Rio

In writing the post that I made yesterday about "keeping things down", I realized that a recurring theme was things that occur each day and another day should one come by. As such, I was reminded of this minor hit song, which encapsulates much of the same feelings. It is hardly related to Pokémon, but it also may be considered to apply in some ways.

This country song became minorly popular near the turn of the century due to the death of a certain race car driver. The idea is that the song describes a longing for another day with the driver should the driver remain alive. Therefore, this song could be considered to be perfectly applicable to Pokémon comrades that have died (for example, Eric Medalle) in order to long for another day with them had they remained alive.

As for the matter of the things done to "keep things down", it essentially ties into a longing for another day to the things one (I) want or need to do to make sure the above happens. While currently I'm assured that each day and another day will be available, at some point it may become a matter of "if", and should that happen, the longing may be justified. Yet presently it can still occur for a number of specific situations.

What it all may come down to is that only so much can be done within one day, and life only consists of so many days, to do the things that are wanted or needed to do, including for Pokémon. It may just be that such a longing for more days may be justified at any time and repeats for all days until one no longer needs to long for one more day.

Three years ago: Friend Cascade
Four years ago: Icons, Images, and Such

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