Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Expecting the Detective

It's more or less a month before the Detective Pikachu movie comes out, and the mood for Pokémon fans who are eager for the movie is rather expectant. That includes me and a few other Pokémon friends of mine. Along with that, more and more things that are related to the movie have begun to appear, which only increases the eagerness and expectation for it. It's a grand movie after all, so those things can only be grand as well, especially in doing so.

After the first trailer for the movie was released late last year, there have been a few more trailers that show even more of the movie, including the Pokémon featured in it. One of the trailers even received slight coverage on a local news channel where I am, which already means that this is just as significant as any other movie to come. With all that has been revealed, I've also become warmed up to the general look and feel of the movie, and I can say it's going to be as great as anything else Pokémon that I've watched. Also just as significant is the indication for the (local) release of the movie, which may be a little sooner than indicated and may cause plans for watching to be rethought. Things will still need consideration.

Meanwhile, tie-ins for the movie have also appeared. The TCG is featuring booster packs with cards that are based on the Pokémon that appear in the movie. They look neat if nothing else, even if they can't be used to make much headway in the game. I also probably won't be able to get them unless a miracle happens - a wad of cash helps too. And then there are fast food toys also currently existing, which is a given for any movie that could conceivably be watched by younger viewers, for which this one is included. From what I can tell, these look nice, though I'd have to look into them and actually consider the possibility of getting them.

Pokémon Center has also come out with merchandise based on the emblems and logos found within the movie, including that of the Hi-Hat Cafe and the Ryme City Police Department, which feature Noctowl (in a related emblem) and Charizard respectively. The merchandise is fairly standard, consisting of clothing and a few other things and somewhat nudged to black (a dominant color in features related to the movie), but it is decidedly representative of the movie. If it were possible, I'd get them in a heartbeat, but since I can't, I'll settle for just a glimpse of them at the moment.

As a bit of an aside, the only one thing that hasn't appeared - for me personally - is the game for which the movie is based on, which I haven't been able to obtain. It's a serious consideration any which way, and I need to check the means by which I may be able to do so. I know I'm going to have a better time understanding the movie by understanding the game, so this is somewhat of a priority. On the other hand, the reverse might also be true, so I may not need to stress myself out getting the game now, just whenever it is convenient that I can do it and then get right to playing it.

It's rather evident that the movie seems to have more or less been given a blessing, with everything that has been linked to it so far. I can see that in the promotions for the movie and the related collectibles, of which all look really good. I have become more and more impressed, which is likely true for all of my Pokémon friends. The wait for the movie shouldn't be long now; we should be ready to get in and watch as soon as it is released.

One year ago: Bandai Pokémon Sun & Moon Pokémon Lover Mascot 6 - Wobbuffet
Two years ago: Evolution Revolutions?

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