Thursday, April 27, 2023

Other Trainers for Legacy Trainer Challenge?

Presently in Pokémon Unite, the Legacy Trainer Challenge has returned after its initial stint last year. If back then the main focus was on Leon, this time, the main focus is on Cynthia, the ever-popular Garchomp Trainer. The other Trainers from back then are also still present, this time as backup. Given this situation, "other Trainers" also seems to be a prompt for this special match mode and may be discussed, especially now since more and more Pokémon are entering the fray in Pokémon Unite.

Starting with the Pokémon that are already present, since Green took Blastoise instead, perhaps Red can take Venusaur in lieu of Charizard also being taken (by Leon above). Lance may also still be an option to be included, given the presence of Dragonite. The same is also true of Sylveon, with which Serena could also work. All of these are purely based on what Pokémon are available right now and the Trainers with the best match for those Pokémon; they are regardless effective choices for the purpose.

On the more speculative side, since the evolved forms of Eevee are making their way in, the Kimono Girls that represent some of these evolved forms could also work as a Legacy Trainer Challenge in its own right. Alternatively, this can work with representation of the Trainers whose names serve as the Eevee evolution keywords in Pokémon Go, though this would seem to be a bit more obscure (in fact, so is the other idea). But this is quite thematic, and it would seem to have some potential.

Even more speculative is a lineup that consists of currently available Pokémon and some possible ones that might just make it in the future. Pikachu and Cinderace are already in the game and they can and do make an effective duo. To go with that, one might hold out hope for Blaziken, Togekiss, and Haxorus to make their way in, all of which are plausible even though it might take time for all of them, and most likely not at the same time. Dedicated fans by now ought to know which Trainers these represent, all from the same source.

While Pokémon Unite is no Masters EX, the Pokémon that are present can be a way to align with them virtually, almost like being certain established character Trainers from all parts of the Pokémon franchise. If anything, that may be considered the spirit of what the Legacy Trainer Challenge offers, even if now its only two editions are nearly the same except for the focus Trainer. What is clear is that the expansion potential for it is there, and it just might be the thing that needs to happen later on.

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