Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Slow Living with Pokémon

Some people around the world today think that the world has now entered a state of moving too fast. More and more things are demanded out of them at a faster rate, and they can't seemingly keep up. At that point, it might become preferable for them to turn to a new kind of lifestyle that lets them live life at a less demanding pace, and that lifestyle has a name: slow living. By its name, it appears to be an intriguing lifestyle if one can stand to apply it, and it may become especially so for people who are intricately connected with Pokémon, in more ways than one.

Real fans who might desire to apply slow living to their Pokémon dealings might choose to play the games to a less intense extent and/or play games that can be tailored to this lifestyle, like Pokémon Go or even Pokémon Sleep, when that one comes out - essentially, they might go and undertake "lifestyle gaming", likely with relaxed targets. They might also forego the games entirely and just treat Pokémon as a brand that they can integrate into their lifestyle, whatever or however that might be. In either case, they can have and delight in Pokémon, even with the lesser demands of the lifestyle.

Then there are the people who actually exist in the world of Pokémon. For them, slow living might mean taking care of Pokémon in less demanding ways; that perhaps might even mean starting a Day Care to aid other Trainers in the care (and breeding) of their Pokémon, or running a Pokémon farm and living off of what they can provide and give back to them and others. Of course, they might be demanded to battle at some point if necessary, but that ought to not occur too often. What's important is that they can stay productive with Pokémon even as life demands less out of them.

And that is the gist, really, of "slow living": being able to have a life that is lesser in what it wants out of them, but still having the chance to give back to life and other people who live differently. It's definitely an alternative to being stuck in the fast-paced world of today yet still having a leeway to live life as needed. Even so, if that life can involve Pokémon or is itself set within the world, that may be considered rather unique and welcoming, especially for those who are fans and/or enjoy the eponymous creatures as such. In that way, slow living just might have its place with Pokémon.

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