Wednesday, April 5, 2023

The Language of Money

There is a "language" that many people around the world speak, but it may be spoken better by those with capitalist affairs. Evidently, by the title of this post, that "language" is that of money, for which the "fluency" may depend on how much is to be had. As expected, because this is a Pokémon blog, it has to tie into that as well, and there's a less-than-perfect current situation that goes along with that, both personal and public. And they all tie into the speaking of that "language" and what happens as that happens.

For those who haven't noticed, Pokémon does speak the "language", and does it very well, I might add. At one point in time, I've mentioned that it is a "media master", and that's still true to a good extent. Wherever it goes, there will be people who can speak the "language" with it, and both they and Pokémon get good things in the quid pro quo. This is then followed by loads of other people who make their attempt at speaking "money" and get something in return depending on how well they speak it. What I've just described is rather abstract and symbolic, but those who are Pokémon fans like me know how this would manifest: in all the Pokémon things that are present today, not the least of which are games and merchandise.

As for my personal case, right now I'm finding it somewhat difficult to say what I want to say with this "language" and get the things that I'd like in order to continue with further Pokémon dealings. Presently, I'm not in a position where I can speak the "language" for the above purpose, even if I've already "said a few things" to get there; this would translate to the Switch (which I already do have), the main series (and other) games that are present there, and the extra things that would make this viable. And yet, by experience, the "language" has to be spoken for this to happen; in my case, it doesn't seem to be in my best interest at the moment to speak about it, even if I could do that any time.

Meanwhile, the current public situation involves Pokémon Go and by extension Niantic as its developer. A "statement" has been made with the "language" by Niantic under one set of terms and is planned to be implemented, but those who play have a "statement" of their own under a different set of terms. And while the former statement has been received by the latter and interpreted, there seems to be no interest or effort in having the latter received and interpreted by the former. It's a situation that is eerily (all-too-)familiar, and it's something that may have to be resolved with a set of terms in the "language" that both sides can speak and necessarily agree upon, for the good of everyone concerned. 

Speaking a language (an actual one) may not necessarily be an easy thing, and a "language" as figurative as money may be even harder still to be "spoken", as in the latter two cases above. But just like the actual languages that are spoken, money too is in constant use and is "spoken" all the time, even including Pokémon and all its related affairs. The hope is that "communication" by the "language" can always result in great things, and that's something all of us - even Pokémon - have to be able to instigate.

One year ago: Keeping Things Down
Three years ago: Writer Shortcuts
Five years ago: 1000 Pokémon Species?
Six years ago: That Way You've Got

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