Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Silph Arena Web Site Quirks

Earlier in January, I had written about how the Silph Arena, the community organizer for Pokémon Go PvP, may be facing problems or challenges, and why that might be the case. Something else that might play into that is the venue of the Arena itself - that is, its web site. A few Trainers that use the Silph Arena web site for all its purposes, including for the individual and team (Factions) competition, have stated difficulty of navigation around it, suggesting that it is in fact a little clunky; by my experience as well, it seems very much so. It therefore demands a bit of discussion.

Reflecting on the previous discussion, the Silph Arena web site is actually one half of its realm; the other half is The Silph Road web site, which is the Pokémon Go "tracker" portion. This separation may actually be necessary so that Trainers who are purely explorers and contribute to only the latter don't have to deal with the former's competitive side. However, for Trainers who do or are interested to deal with both, it does seem disunited, even if the Arena calls up the Traveler's Card from The Silph Road side and said card pulls up battle data from the Arena, an instance of "cross-talk". To unite both of these halves would be a grand goal for usability, though it might take more resources than what can be mustered at the moment.

Moving back to the Silph Arena realm completely, and specifically back to Factions, some have noted the lack of "cross-talk" between the Faction page and the Cycle page where the action happens. It seems that the latter is for actual competitive management (changing lineups and teams) while the former is for non-competitive management (adding and removing members, including oneself); in fact, it has been stated that the RSVP process for getting a Faction registered for play simply takes a snapshot of the Faction page, preserving its information at that time, while it remains as such irrespective of what goes on in a Cycle. Registration mishaps have happened because of this, and if the registered Captain becomes out of commission, it can compound the problems further.

Like the game it is designed to follow and as with any programmed development in general, bugs occur from time to time. The latest of these was a case of unintentionally doubled matchups in the previous Bout that also led to premature reveals of lineups and Pokémon. Along with new developments, Gholdengo seems to not be programmed well for inclusion at the moment, and this applies for both the competitive and exploration sides. While these have been or are being resolved, the fact of the matter is that they just happen - fait accompli.

What I've detailed above may just scratch the surface of the topic, but at least one thing is clear: the Silph Arena web site and by extension the one for The Silph Road has some quirks, the solutions for which may not be an easy matter. The assurance of continued existence for both may just depend on how the developers can make things less clunky, even with available resources, to solve at least some problems and tackle a few challenges head-on for all.

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