Monday, April 17, 2023

Going for (Real) Pokémon Cookies

Many festive times throughout the year, no matter when they happen, often call for cookies of some kind. They're celebratory in their representation of the festive times, even if they may look ordinary. For Pokémon fans, some of the eponymous species may also be as celebratory as they are ordinary, which means that they can share those same qualities with the food item mentioned above. Of course, diehard fans might think about combining the two, and that might become a food item to go for.

Those who play Café Remix might already have a semblance of what they might look like, as they are the featured items in the game for leveling up (more precisely, uncapping levels of) the Pokémon that one hires as staff members. Even so, the cookies as depicted are rather simplistic and generic, as most of them share a similar shape but only differentiated by the image of the Pokémon species stamped on them. This could still work as a realistic cookie inspiration and be less troublesome to make. Other fans, though, might (also) want to take the extra mile in making cookies that stand out.

That effort could be in the form of making actual cookies that resemble the Pokémon, most likely their faces. It could end up taking some time and quite a bit of work, but the results could be very, very nice. If less work is desired to be involved, it may be worth trying to take existing cookie recipes and give them a Pokémon twist. I, for one, can already think of "Voltorb fruit balls" or "Lickitung tongues" (these may be obscure cookies for some), as well as "Tangela hair balls" and "Sandshrew rolls" (these may be more familiar), in cookie form. Either way, the results are something to savor.

More than likely, certain festive times will demand a "cookie rush" for which many cookies will need to be made, and the selection of cookies will likely be standard. Pokémon is by no means standard in this area, and thus it could help to liven up that "cookie rush", especially through the suggested ideas above, if they may be considered. At the ultimate peak of those times, a celebration is still in order, and if Pokémon can be made to be present in cookie form, then that celebration could be more deliciously festive.

One year ago: Rotating to Objectives
Three years ago: Impressions of Chef Mallow
Four years ago: Choosing Pathways
Five years ago: And Again, I Dream

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