Monday, April 10, 2023

Tournament: SWEEP JR vs. Kingsman (SA Factions)

After the stinging loss in the last Bout, my SA Factions team, SWEEP JR, can't rest on our laurels yet, for the next Bout came soon enough. This time, our opponents were an Indian Faction called Kingsman. Now, some teams from the subcontinent tend to have a bad rap - and one team has effectively been banned because its members were causing a great deal of trouble - so this matchup was somewhat leery for that reason. Yet it turns out we had to be leery for other reasons.

For this Bout, I had to change the player lineup in a slightly deviating manner, at least according to the notes I have made regarding the skills of the Trainers in my team. This turned out to be not the least of my worries, however, as a few challenges (one of them - or two if counted separately - being two Trainers that had to take time off for various reasons) made themselves apparent, and I had to work with them. It was also a rather make-do moment for me and my Faction.

Those make-do efforts began on Saturday with a series of five matches. From midday to afternoon, there were the matches of riman12 vs. Hasnain2804 in the Open Great League, Kucingimutt vs. Casszeuss in the Arcana Field, and bakalikur vs. FABULOUSMANN in the Catacomb Field; in order, their results were 1-2, 2-1, and 2-1, an OK but shaky start - though the last was surprising, given that my teammate had originally played with Arcana in a previous Bout (but terribly). Later in the evening were the matches of Orioo16 vs. AJ23899 in the Open Master League (notably, involving the opposite team's Captain) and Almujha vs. Gagan27chabra in the Arcana Field, both of which resulted in 2-1 wins and a minor lead of 9-6 at the end of the day.

With that, my team only needed two more battle wins to win, just like the previous Bout. The Catacomb Field match of Wina1403 vs. fluffybigbunny accomplished half that goal (1-2 loss), but regrettably, the Justicar Field for Ultra League match involving RaymondHrtwn vs. Naman090 turned out "cursed", also just like the previous Bout's Open Master League match (0-3 loss). Ultimately, it was another 10-11 loss, the second in a row, third this Cycle, and fourth (along with an 11-10 win) result with a similar margin. Though it may not be a surprise that it can happen, it remains regrettable that it does.

It may be because of those "make-do" efforts that the Bout turned out the way that it did. It was also partially attributable to my own judgment (as the team Captain) as it was due to the necessity of things. Worse yet, it also almost led to a dispute due to a minor internal mishap, though ultimately none was filed (as the matter was resolved) and it became another dispute-free Bout, perhaps the only saving grace for it.

Regardless, the next Bout will come next week, as tomorrow is the start of the eagerly expected break week. That will be the time to reflect on what has taken place this Cycle, the very first for my Faction and me, and I've already got a post lined up for that - though the content remains to be realized then. Whatever opportunity for regroup that exists may just need to be used at that point.

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