Saturday, April 29, 2023

Pokémon Go Community Day Classic, 4/29/2023

As noted in the main Community Day post for this month, there are two editions of Community Day, one of them a Classic edition. Evidently, that is scheduled for today, the penultimate day of the month. Now, in the northern hemisphere, things should already be warming up for spring, but there may be some chills left over; in the southern hemisphere, things are cooling down for winter. Either way, it is still appropriate for the Pokémon of this edition of Community Day Classic to be featured.

That Pokémon would be Swinub, who was last featured in February 2019. Just like that time, evolving it to Mamoswine (after Piloswine) gives it the special move of Ancient Power, satiating the main series evolution mechanism but - apparently - not as satiating for PvP. The evolution process requires a Sinnoh Stone, so as with some previously featured Pokémon, Timed Research (in lieu of PvP battling like last time) is here to furnish them. The main bonus is tripled Stardust, which is always lucrative regardless of Pokémon. The usual perks of extended Incense and Lure Modules are present, and so are the newer novelties of photo bombs and paid Special Research (this time titled just "Swinub Community Day Classic", but still insightful on the characteristics of the species family, according to Professor Willow). The perks are spartan but effective.

Due to certain concerns - the weather being one of them - I opted to have Community Day at a more nearby place compared to the place for some recent Community Day editions, yet it itself had hosted others in the past. As it turns out, some of my fellow Trainers had the same idea, including the one who usually helps to furnish official merchandise for the main editions - though there are none to speak of this time, as it's not a main edition. The Stardust bonus remained a priority, so we mostly hunkered down and caught Swinub to earn as much Stardust as possible. Evolution was also secondary in our regard; since I already had a good one with the special move and it wasn't too usable, I opted to evolve just two: one for Great League just in case and a Lucky one that I obtained from a friend during the event. Though their usability is questionable, it still might help just to have them.

In essence, some people may consider today's Community Day Classic as a "useless repeat" due to the way things are, which may be true in some ways. Yet as a way to build up stock of resources for the species family as well as Stardust, it is quite workable in that regard and thus useful to some degree. The chilly disposition of the species family is still appropriate for the current time, as is obtaining as many things as possible for them to make them appropriate for any battle at any time, beyond the confines of today.

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