Thursday, April 20, 2023

Places to Shoot Live-Action Pokémon Movies

It's been a few years since the first-ever live action Pokémon movie came about, which became a phenomenon of its own. Because it's live-action, it automatically means that it was shot somewhere in the real world, using the place as the depiction of the fictional locations (and they can "serve" honorably as those locations). I've been thinking about this as well as a few locations that can be used to shoot another live-action Pokémon movie, moreover a follow-up to the movie mentioned above, and it's a nice thing to flesh out in a discussion.

Before discussing current potentials, it helps to discuss about what has been used. As a couple of examples, portions of that first movie were shot in Colorado in the U.S. and London in the U.K., the latter for the urban Ryme City setting and the former for some of the "natural" scenes. This means that as is common for other movies, the shooting locations don't have to be in close proximity, even if the fictional settings are. That also means that there are certain freedoms in the selection of shooting locations, yet what remains important is choosing the best-looking place for the best reasonable time and budget.

That said, lately I've been presented with a place somewhere in my resident country that somehow looks like one side of the Hisui region and perhaps could be used to shoot a potential live-action movie based on the region and the related game (Legends: Arceus). A bottom-up camera shot in the place only makes things all the more evident and seemingly perfect for that purpose. Of course, there are different sides to the Hisui region, so that will have to be complemented with shots in a different place but similar landscape. Yet all this also depends if the game gets a movie based on it at all.

Speaking of which, word on the next possible live-action Pokémon movie has been scant, even as the follow-up movie above; if it weren't, it would be all over my communities by now, and that's not the case. Whatever idea that could be implemented for that movie will likely become the deciding factor for its setting and thereby the shooting location, which could partially confirm or deny my conjecture. This could also include an original story specifically meant to be realized as a movie and not as or derived from a game, for which the possibilities are wild and so are the possible shooting locations.

A live-action movie will demand to be shot in the most appropriate yet wondrous and viable locations, and the same goes for a live-action Pokémon movie as well. The very first one of that did quite a good job, and any follow-ups that are being considered ought to live up to that in the choice of shooting locations as well, even if that totally depends on the concept. In any case, the world isn't short of great places (even where I am) to shoot movies, and the next one for Pokémon should totally take advantage of this fact.

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