Saturday, April 20, 2019

Legends for Lunch and Dinner

In the EX Raid recap in my previous post, I mentioned that the day's raid scene became livelier later in the day. There is certainly a reason for that. That was part of a new experimental event in Pokémon Go that is called the "Legendary Hour" event, and yesterday was the third iteration. The first two events occurred in midday and were thus officially called the "Legendary Lunch Hour", while yesterday's occurred at the start of the evening and was thus dubbed the "Legendary Dinner Hour". That explains the title of this post as well.

The premise of this new event is simple. During the specified hour (12 PM to 1 PM for lunch, 6 PM to 7 PM for dinner), all Gyms that do not already have a raid boss egg or are not already in a raid will beget a Level 5 Legendary raid, which lasts for that hour, true to the event's name. At that point, it becomes the (not-so-)simple matter of gathering the necessary Trainers to raid and then raiding as many Gyms as possible within that time, which totally depends on the Trainers' whims. Many will likely try for quite a few.

The first iteration of this event occurred on March 13, during the time Dialga was the featured Level 5 raid boss in March. The second iteration occurred 10 days ago on April 10 when Giratina returned, having transformed into its Origin Forme. The one that occurred yesterday was for both Latios and Giratina, with greater emphasis on the former because this is actually its Special Raid Week, which I'll discuss in this month's event rollup to come very soon. Palkia, which was the feature boss in February, and Giratina in its Altered Forme, which only reappeared for a week early this month, were too early to receive one.

Now, the reason why I only noted the general time of the event is because this event is an all-region localized event, the times being for whatever time zone local Trainers are in. And because the first iteration preceded the March Community Day by 10 days, it was effectively a warm-up and experiment for such scheduling. Further, because of the way the event is, it bears similarities to the Legendary Bird Days of last year's Summer Tour, only these last for one-third of the time and are excluded from some Gyms. The event is by all means an experiment, especially since the last iteration was unannounced, which is quite unusual.

Yet for an experiment, the fact that it has lasted for three iterations means that it has fared sufficiently well. It's hard to deny that the benefits are many for whoever's concerned, especially if it means an extra heaping helping of Legendary Pokémon. It's a helping that should fare well for anyone stuffing meals into their lunch and dinner, as well as inviting a few extra guests in the form of those Pokémon. They're welcome to the table at any time.

One year ago: Curveball Wisdom
Two years ago: The Music of the Poké Flute

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