Tuesday, July 4, 2023

From Sea to Shining Sea

There's a certain song that describes a certain land as being beautiful, particularly for its landscape from the highest to the lowest places. Further, that also applies across the breadth of the land, which indeed is bordered by seas (oceans) from one end to the other. As such, the song includes as one of its lines the exact words that I've used as the title of this post. The sea as a topic is also one that I've discussed in at least a couple of posts, and it seems appropriate to bring it up once again, albeit with a slightly different context, but still certainly with Pokémon in tow.

In essence, the song asks to come together in appreciation of what that expanse of land (and likely also the adjacent seas) brings for the people. The regions of the Pokémon world also stretch similar expanses, and there is no harm to appreciate the things that those regions bring across their varied landscapes, in particular the Pokémon species that are characteristic of those specific regions and landscapes. The seas would count too in this regard as they are adjacent yet contributing to those regions.

More abstractly, and slightly deviant from the spirit of the song - but more relevant to the line all by itself - is the situation of me as a Pokémon fan where I am compared to where the land is. I'm separated from all the Pokémon fans there by a certain great expanse of sea, but I'm reminded that the fans over yonder are just as loyally attracted as I am, some perhaps even more. In that regard, it may be said that from this end of the sea to that other shining end, there are fans galore who share much of the same senses of appreciation.

As beautiful as the spirit of the land is, it's the spirit of the people who make the land what it is - hopefully in the best of ways rather than in adverse ones. It's something to take to heart for me where I am, even though I'm physically distanced from that land; the same could be considered to be true for the people who are also present in the lands (regions) of the Pokémon world, who ought to appreciate where they are as well, taking to heart their landscapes and the Pokémon species present therein.

Based on previous years, it's not hard to establish which land I'm referring to. It's the United States (U.S.), a place that has shaped me and my Pokémon interests as well. And today is of course its independence day, the Fourth of July. Have a wonderful celebration of your land - and I will too (soon enough).

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