Thursday, July 20, 2023

Performance Critique: Mezase Pokémon Master feat. Otaku (Redux)

If a previous effort of collaboration with Otaku Band could be described with "fait accompli" and "rite of passage", this latest one could be described with "redemption". That happened earlier this month at a local festival on its second day, with our collaboration being the very same song that we performed earlier. It's an opportunity that doesn't come very often if at all, and it had to be maximized to the point of writing a critique, if at all possible. And it is, certainly thanks to a video recording that will be explained soon.

The story of how I got to initiate this one was similar to how the previous collaboration was initiated: I saw their appearance on the performer list and communicated with them. At first I wasn't sure that it was going to happen, but when I met them, I was assured that it was going to happen, thanks to their manager - a very good friend of mine, who has to remain as such. And so, it became the last song of their setlist, and I was called up to join them for this purpose just like the previous collaboration.

The start of things to come.

As with the previous collaboration, I had the inkling that my voice may or may not be able to be heard. This time, however, I trudged on with what I can do, and I let my inkling go. And I was right to do so, for in the video recording, at least some of my voice did come through. Even so, with my voice being or not being able to come through at times, I suspect that other factors may be in play - specifically, related to myself and singing on stage. This is something to consider before the next performance or collaboration, with whoever it might be.

The second verse, a point of contention.

Last time, the "elephant in the room" was the second verse of the song, and this time, it's still that way. One consolation is that I saved myself from committing the same slip-up from last time by having "practiced" with a modification of the original arrangement as sung by Rica Matsumoto at a different festival event. The big thing now seems to be the particulars of the actual arrangement that Otaku Band performs, which seems to have further nuances at that part besides what the band manager informs (or informed) me to do to conform.

The penultimate chorus, with my touch.

Beyond that second verse, things remained smooth sailing, at least for the most part. Being that I am used to (in other words, have gotten familiar with) the Rica Matsumoto arrangement, there may still have been a couple of disjunct parts, especially without me knowing what the band's main vocalist (once again, Dina) has in mind. The least I can do is to complement with my touch as per the Rica Matsumoto arrangement, and once again this meant the call-and-response on the penultimate chorus just like last time.

The end, as usual: GIVE IT UP FOR OTAKU BAND!!

Of course, there is the video source (of these pictures) to explain. Usually, I would try to have someone record my performances, but they're not often available to assist for one reason or another. This one, however, was recorded by someone in the audience, and luckily, it was of the entire performance. It also was posted on Instagram (by the recorder - @vino_lazy), and that is how this was obtained. Although audience cheers - and the voice of the recording person - also came through in the video, I'm at least thankful that it was recorded nonetheless.

From this "redux" collaboration and the previous one, some takeaways may still be had. One is that while I've effectively made good on (redeemed) the previous collaboration, there may just be room to do one better next time. Another is that while Otaku Band and I are "free-spirited" people - we do things with minimal practice and they seem to just somehow work themselves out - for this song, it may be great if we could ever have a "jam session" to allow practice on it and be on the same frame of mind about it, no matter how remote this possibility might be.

Having collaborated with Otaku Band three times now and twice on the same song, I can only feel blessed and grateful that the opportunities came about, no matter how they turned out. They're all testaments of how this band is a "legendary" band where I am as well as their (and others') consideration of me as a "legendary" person with certain specialties, including vocal skills. Combine that with a "legendary" song by a "legendary" artist, and there might just be something to behold for all convention goers and Pokémon fans alike.

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