Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Quickies: Off (and On) the Beaten Path

It's been quite some time since I've made a "Quickies" post, but that has to do with my freedom (or lack of it) to do certain Pokémon things or even to get around to do them. This second matter is one that should be familiar for longtime Pokémon fans, as in certain older featured regions, they possess Routes as part of their landscape. They're certainly a directed way of getting around to where one needs to go in those regions, as they are focused on specific paths between two places of concern. It was the prevailing view before the modern view of openness along those paths.

For all their closed quality, their directedness also allows for a (more or less) specific experience to be captured. They can allow for passage past particular terrains, landmark objects, and mysterious spots even slightly beyond their confines. It's one experience, but the experience isn't necessarily the same, especially as given some routes can also be traversed in two directions and may necessitate - or suggest - traversing different places as part of their paths. They are both limited and limitless at the same time.

Perhaps that is something that a certain thing related to Pokémon has been trying to recapture recently. Specific paths are being tracked or recorded to pass through places or areas of interest so that others can follow it to obtain some of the same experience. Given the thing's general openness other than this, it could be welcomed for its capability of experience presentations to to others who may not have considered them.

There may be a certain joy in following beaten paths as much as going off of them. Even with their necessitated design, the Routes of old at least were able to facilitate this, and it makes some sense to be applied even in the more open Pokémon world of today. The beaten paths may stay, even with the people opting to go wherever they may with Pokémon.

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