Tuesday, July 25, 2023

NADWPKMN - The Video Series: Special Episode #1 - AsiA Cosplay Competition Single Performance

Me: Let's make it three in a row and discuss this from way, way, way back.

Ash: Hey, you finally put it up!

Me: Yes, if you remember, I had you reenact one of the most important first moments of your journey some years ago. Goh wasn't around back then, but he deserves to know all the same now.

Goh: Oh! It was- It was-

Ash: It was at that moment, Pikachu and I bonded.

Pikachu: Pika! ["Sure did!"]

Me: It was a dramatic moment and a turning point that made the rest of the journey possible. 

Goh: I understand a lot of things now.

Ash: But when I performed, a lot of things didn't go right.

Me: Right. I discussed that on my own a few days after the fact, but from my [OOC] view. But now we can do it with our [IC] view.

Ash: Um, yeah. So when I was called up, I was totally rushed and I forgot a few things, like the pass. I even forgot to tell your friend to record it, but luckily your friend didn't forget.

Goh: How could you forget?

Ash: I thought I (we all) had a little more time.

Pikachu: Pika chu pika. ["My thoughts exactly."]

Ash: Oh yeah! The outfit I wore for this was an old version. My friend got a new one years later.

Goh: That should be less problematic, if you can ever get to perform this again.

Ash: I hope so! But then the way Pikachu is, it's a problem for this one.

Me: I kept thinking someone else and/or a background video could help. In fact, I thought about this performance for a certain convention last month, but it just couldn't happen.

Goh: So that's the story.

Me: Indeed it is. I really hope that next time everything can go much better.

Ash: I agree! I think it can - and will.

Me: Especially now that I've finally uploaded the video and fulfilled the promise from many years back.

Goh: Now people can make suggestions for you two.

Ash: That would be great.

Pikachu: Pika. ["Agree."]

Me: Took the words right out of my mouth. It's also fitting that we discussed this one year after we discussed the related regular episode (see below).

Ash: Hey yeah!

Goh: Interesting how that happened.

Me: And of course, this is just one of many special moments I hope to share through special episode videos, this being the first one.

Goh: Can't wait to see those.

Ash: You'll like them!

Me: Moments like these are indeed special regardless of what might have happened.

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