Monday, July 24, 2023

Pokémon Go Community Day Classic... Repeat, 7/23/2023

Me: In the meantime, let's talk about this.

Goh: So, Community Day got repeated again. And this time it's this month's Classic edition.

Me: Yes, from two weeks ago. 

Goh: But I'm looking over at your write-up, and you didn't seem to have a problem.

Me: I didn't, but apparently other Trainers did - I'm told they couldn't be present due to a technical issue. So that's the reason for this repeat, and we're in luck that it's the Squirtle edition. 

Ash: Oh, Squirtle! I remember my time with the Squirtle Squad.

Me: And you'll have noticed some of them wearing sunglasses. You'll obviously remember that.

Ash: Yeah! They're the "cool" ones.

Pikachu: Pika! ["Cool!"]

Me: All right, so all the perks from last time continue to apply for this repeat - including the tasks with Professor Willow, which I organized so you can have another go.

Ash: Neat!

Me: That's something you didn't get to do the last time I sent you on a repeat edition, so now you got it.

Goh: How'd things go?

Ash: They went great! I set up a Lure Module at a PokéStop at the festival, and then I walked around to catch the ones with sunglasses. I also caught as many as possible for my friend's stock of things.

Goh: How many Squirtle did you catch?

Ash: A lot, haha. I lost track. And I didn't catch a Shiny one - but my friend here should already have some from before. But I also caught one with sunglasses that was almost perfect! I evolved that one to finish the professor's task.

Me: Impressive! But you didn't evolve anything else?

Ash: Not with what you had. And I couldn't find anything better for you to battle with. 

Me: I guess that's true. There is supposed to be a Shadow form, but I've never found anything good enough to keep.

Goh: Maybe you'll find one soon.

Me: That might just be possible. If that happens, then I might just be able to evolve it myself.

Goh: Interesting!

Me: But I can't say more than that. At least, if this serves as the only consolation for not putting you in the character parade...

Ash: It happened at the same time as this.

Me: ...I'm told, then I got my money's worth out of this one with Professor Willow's tasks rather than in the character parade.

Goh: Oh, so that's what happened.

Pikachu: Pika chu. ["I see."]

Me: Whether I'm justified in this regard, I may not be able to say. But at least I can say that the Squirtle family is always welcome on any occasion.

Ash: I'm with you there!

Me: Even if it means having to have Community Day (Classic) twice over.

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