Saturday, July 1, 2023

A Virtual Cosplay Card

I have something of the same category as this post that I want to discuss, but I'd like to try something new (perhaps not so new) regarding that, so I'm shelving it for tomorrow. In lieu of that, I'd like to discuss something else that has been waiting its turn. Four years ago, I had created a new version of my (Pokémon) cosplay identity, which would be my cosplay card. Now, I've taken things in a different approach and opted for an innovation: I now have a virtual cosplay card to show that identity in a different manner.

The virtual card is made possible with the aid of a site called Carrd, and the page for it can be found at Since I still have the cards from the above, I chose to recreate the design as faithfully as possible - and it's still a good design regardless, so it only makes sense. The only things I've added are the customary blurbs about me and a few more social media connections, which had expanded since that time. Now one advantage of this approach becomes apparent: the virtual version is easily updatable to represent my current state.

Selection of this approach was also based on the consideration of the recent state of the world, which is still there but not quite still there, and my thinking of having a way to adapt to that, no matter how late it has been. If nothing else, another reason was the centralization of my digital presence and a way of accessing that easily, even though that might lead to other concerns that I would rather not mention here. Still, anything to establish my interests in Pokémon and do that in a convenient manner is fair game for me.

In testing this new approach, Indonesia Comic Con became the venue for its usage. I've found that over the three days I was there, people were only half-interested in my virtual card, although that seemingly also applied to the physical version, which I luckily had also brought. A friend whom I hadn't met for years told me that the virtual version doesn't really "fly" as people (in particular cosplayers) look for mementos of their meetings with others, one of which is the cosplay card. So on one hand, this virtual version seems to fall flat on my face, even if it does afford some conveniences.

There is also one reason why I delayed to make this post until now. Those who know me really well will know that I experienced a calamity a few years back, and what happened was that on that day, I went and made the post on my cosplay card, in a way "jinxing" that weekend. To prevent it from repeating, I essentially deferred making the post; now that the big occasion has passed, I feel "safe" and justified in making this post on my virtual cosplay card. Though the decision was more subjective than rational, I would consider it an appropriate reflection of my feelings.

Sometimes, good things are serendipitous and experimental, and this virtual cosplay card is one of those. It seems to be an okay alternative (though not a replacement) to the traditional physical cosplay card, made possible by the wonders of the Internet and necessities of current times. As a well-known cosplayer - presently in some ways - and a Pokémon cosplayer at that, the cosplay card remains a necessity for me to get to know people and people to get to know me, no matter what form that may take.

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