Friday, June 30, 2023

Pokémon Loot from Indonesia Comic Con 2023

It wouldn't be a convention without me getting some physical takeaways - that is, loot - and I did get some of that from the latest one I went to. For this particular case, the "loot" (I say as such) can be grouped according to whether they actually constitute "loot", as well as their relevance to Pokémon. Certainly, anything that goes on this blog is related to Pokémon in some way, but some can be more or less so than others, yet in this case that also applies for the "loot" quality. They all regardless need to be explained along with what I got from there.

Some of the things that I got are definitely tied to Pokémon and are definitively "loot". That goes for the Pokémon poster with all current starter Pokémon and the Pokémon Journeys manga above. They are such because I did get them directly from exhibitors - the former being from a very talented artist that draws all things Pokémon and the latter being from a bookshop where I also got many of my other Pokémon books and manga. While the poster is rather expected and the manga is happenstance, both are still perfectly suited as being considered "loot" as such.

As for that other book, well, it's definitely Pokémon, but it's less of a "loot". I got the Pokémon Encyclopedia as a prize from the Cosplay Runway competition, and it is effectively the only proof (aside from a picture taken during the awarding) that I won something, as I received no certificate for such an accomplishment, yet all the other winners received one - unless the book itself is considered the certificate, which is not my preferred assumption. Then there were goodies from the national Pokémon Go association, one of which is a postcard version of the Noibat poster. The others (stickers, pop socket) I had already gotten from prior editions of  Community Day, which made them less of a "loot" in this case.

Then there is the thing that is a little less tied to Pokémon, but is still definitely "loot" because of what it took to obtain it. It's a poster with the autograph of Rica Matsumoto, which is personalized for me and so it is obviously mine. The poster image itself (not seen here) has relevance to animals but not so much to Pokémon, but it's obviously still relevant to Rica Matsumoto herself. Still, it's the autograph (as "loot") that's the important thing more than anything else, and it still matters as she is the Japanese voice behind the Pokémon character I often cosplay. It is in essence the primary "loot".

Even if some of the loot is not so much "loot" and a little bit of it is slightly unrelated to Pokémon, I consider anything that I got from events or conventions and has (at least some) ties to Pokémon to be my "loot", especially if they deepen my appreciation and functional breadth of it. The past convention had truly presented a wonderful time, and the "loot" that I got is as equally wonderful. It will certainly make my convention visit what it is (or was), with my involvement to bring out Pokémon, long after it has gone.

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