Sunday, June 18, 2023

Beachside with Pokémon

In the first year of this blog, I discussed one of the pre-movie Pokémon short films, the pieces of background music from that short film, and what triggered the discussion. The memory of the activity still has not faded even now, perhaps in part thanks to the Pokémon connection I made. As a matter of fact, so is the memory of an actual beach outing - and not just to a water park - that I made many years ago, before this Pokémon blog (and even, Pokémon Go) became a thing. It seems apt to bring up that discussion and bring back that Pokémon thing as its framing.

That beach outing many years ago can be considered to have proceeded a little like the short film in question (and the three music pieces I mentioned). It seemed festive and playful in getting to the beach (like "Fun at the Beach"), and then as the outing progressed, it got a little hectic and wild (like "The Lawnmower Chase"). But when all was said and done, there was a slight urge and longing to go back to a beach - not necessarily the same one - and go for another outing (like "Let's PikaBoo Again"). That didn't happen for the longest time, and it only finally happened today.

And the current outing was much like the previous outing in my recollection of it. Only this time, the chaotic ("The Lawnmower Chase") part was the travel to the beach with a lot of ups and downs - literally - and the beach part was as fun as fun can be. And when it was all over, there was the same urge and longing. Still, there were some changes: this time, the outing was with a larger group, and because of how Pokémon has pervaded since then, I chose to memorialize it with Pokémon. Specifically, Pokémon Go came to assist in this effort, allowing me to take pictures of Pokémon on the beach:

The six Pokémon I chose to feature in snapshot above are actually related in that they all represent Pokémon that can conceivably be encountered at any beach, especially the one on the upper right, for which this time is also important. Moreover, all six were subjects of a special feature in the form of a familiar event that took place earlier in the month, but this time with a special theme. As always, that would need to be explained separately and closer to the month in question in a separate event rollup.

It's been a long time since I've been able to go to a beach (in actuality) and then return there. But when it happened, which was indeed the case today, it happened at a fortunate time in my life, and it could also be commemorated with Pokémon in more ways than one. It was thus a great day overall, and in the case of this Pokémon fan, a great time made even greater with Pokémon presence. Like the earlier beach and "beach" outing, this one will certainly remain in mind for some time to come as such.

Four years ago: On Copyrights
Five years ago: Boxes of Go-Goodies
Six years ago: There Is Only One Ball

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