Sunday, June 25, 2023

Cosplay: Indonesia Comic Con - Pop Asia 2023, Day 3

Ash: Hey, we made it!

Pikachu: Pi! ["Nice!"]

Me: Yes, it's both expected and unexpected, but essentially, I got you in for the last day.

Goh: This must be through a Pokémon connection.

Me: You bet your Bidoof. Er, actually, that's kind of appropriate since I also brought you my team jersey (that has a Bidoof on it) to wear, at least briefly before you get into your "special journey" outfit again.

Goh: You have some odd but neat Pokémon connections.

Ash: But I like the Bidoof jersey! You do you.

Me: OK, just like for Day 1 and Day 2, the only things that are different are the schedule and activities.

Ash: Yeah! It started with a Shadow Articuno raid with a few of your teammates at a Gym at the convention.

Goh: Neat! How'd that go?

Ash: We did great! There was a foursome who just made it too. But none of us got a Shiny one.

Goh: The Shiny one must be very rare.

Me: It is, but it's also a matter of luck. So if you don't get it, you don't.

Ash: That explains it. Maybe we'll get it some other time.

Pikachu: Pika chu? ["Maybe next time?"]

Me: OK, so don't focus too much on that. We're here for the rest of the convention. 

Ash: I saw a photo booth for characters. I thought you might like and need that.

Me: Oh, thanks! Let's see if that will be good for my portfolio and our image.

Ash: And... I got to see lots of real good characters in action!

Goh: Wait - I've looked it up. So that means this convention is also the place for ICGP Nationals.

Me: So it succeeds Ennichisai as the host from several years ago. And as you know...

Ash: Maybe I don't want to know.

Goh: Well, there was a talk about it once. I went through your stuff - sorry about that.

Me: There's a saying, "to dwell in the past is to die in the present". So Goh is right, and we might as well leave it there and then. 

Goh: Anyway, anything else that was big today?

Ash: I met my friend's friends and character friends. I met one who was last seen many years ago!

Pikachu: Chu, pi pika chu. ["Now, that was neat."]

Me: That's impressive, right? Besides the schedule of events and activities, that's the wonder of really far away conventions like this one.

Ash: And getting stuff that's hard to find!

Me: Hey, you're on to something now. But we can deal with that later.

Goh: Now you shouldn't be too afraid of sending Ash really far away.

Me: No, but we still have to be really careful.

Ash: I got another bonus at the end of the day: Weird Genius!

Goh: Cool! I heard that they're the local act.

Me: That is a neat bonus. I hope you enjoyed it.

Ash: I did!

Me: Excellent! Now, then, I think it's appropriate for us to close today and this three-day run with some final thoughts.

Ash: I say this was the best convention weekend ever! Rica Matsumoto was why you got me here, but the DJ and artist was a nice bonus.

Goh: You also got to meet new friends, old friends, good friends, and great friends - Pokémon and all!

Ash: And I won a prize from the character parade, and I got you tons of stuff!

Goh: All this must have been a significant spend, but it was all worth it, I think.

Me: Both of you are so right. The trip was a bit of an effort, but the effort paid off several times over.

Ash: Can I come back if Rica comes back?

Pikachu: Pika chu? ["Is that possible?"]

Me: I'll consider it. Who knows when that might be, but I'll consider it. 

Goh: You have my support!

Ash: And mine!

Pikachu: Pika chu! ["Me too!"]

Me: Well said. Thanks to you both, and especially to Ash and Pikachu. And utmost congratulations to everyone. Let's see if we can make things happen, and until next time, ICC and Rica Matsumoto.

Three years ago: Uniting the Heart
Four years ago: Evoked Emotions
Six years ago: Four Notions

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