Sunday, June 4, 2023

Cosplay: ChibiCon 2023

Me: OK, so this convention has returned from last year.

Ash, Goh: Awesome!

Pikachu: Pi! ["Great!"]

Me: So, we've already discussed the specifics then, but there are a few changes this year, one of which I'd like to prefix.

Goh: What's different?

Me: This year, it's actually a two-day affair from yesterday. But of course, since it's far away and I have things to do, I can't get Ash to stay for that.

Ash: That's why we didn't talk about it yesterday!

Me: That. Also, because of that and other matters, that "radical thing" we discussed about will have to wait - possibly not for this convention.

Goh: I think I already know what you're up to with Ash - but we can talk about it when that happens... if it does.

Me: Shhhh - it'll be really nice, when (if) it can really get going. Speaking of getting going, you got there, Ash, so you can tell us what else changed.

Ash: The place changed from where it was last time! But it wasn't a problem getting there.

Me: Good thing I used to go frequently to the place by myself, so you know what to expect. 

Ash: There was a lot of space for the booths - and they were all labeled now!

Pikachu: Pi, pika pika chu. ["Yes, roomy and cozy."]

Me: What do you know? Looks like they did learn a lesson or two.

Goh: I'd like to know about the entertainment.

Ash: Sure! I can tell you about that. They mostly just had special guests and some dance groups.

Goh: No bands?

Ash: I didn't see one today, but I think there was one the day I didn't go.

Goh: Well, you know what, as long as the people are happy, it's great. What about the competitions? There must have been one... right?

Ash: Well, I, uh-

Me: I'll take this one. If I had sent Ash yesterday, I could have gotten him into the character parade. Today, there is (was) a performance competition instead, and I could have gotten Ash into it... if I had someone that could assist him in the performance. It's a team competition, you see.

Goh: Oh. I wish I could have helped out.

Ash: Maybe you can, someday! Think that can happen?

Me: It's a tall order, but I wouldn't say it's impossible. Just highly improbable at the moment.

Goh: So you ended up just having fun today.

Ash: Yeah, I guess.

Pikachu: Pika chu! ["Not just us!"]

Ash: But I think other people had fun with us too. I got to meet your friends - lots of them!

Me: I think that's completely valid. Lots of people know us after all. 

Ash: Oh yeah! You know what else had lots of people? The convention!

Goh: Let me guess: lots of space, but then lots and lots of people came.

Ash: Yeah. It got so bad that they had to break up the people who could go in - or up, because the convention was on the top floor.

Goh: And there were lots more people outside.

Ash: You wouldn't believe it! But it was a mall outside, so everyone still had fun.

Goh: Oh, it was in a mall too. That's why you had a good time.

Ash: Yeah, but... my friend, can I talk to just you for a bit?

Me: Sure, what is it?

Ash: So, I sat in the booth of one of your friends, and I'm not sure how this could work for just us. But then the booth was in a corner, so maybe that's the hard thing. 

Me: Well, I guess we might need to be in the center then, and we'd have to draw attention in a big way. Let me think up of ways, and I'll get back to you.

Ash: OK, so anyway, this chibi convention keeps getting less and less chibi.

Me: But you have to admit it's kind of spectacular that it keeps doing so after two years of rebranding.

Goh: It means people still like what they still like.

Ash: Just like us! You like Pokémon and we're glad to join you.

Me: On top of that, we get to share it with lots and lots of people. So, good job for today.

Ash: Thanks!

Pikachu: Pika chu! ["Thank you!"]

Me: Let's see if we can one-up this the next time it comes about - that certainly won't be a small (chibi) affair.

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