Wednesday, June 21, 2023

So You Think You Can (_____) with Pokémon

Sometimes, I'm reminded that nothing is as easy as they appear to be. Case in point: there's a thing that I've tried to get for a while now that might just lead to Pokémon things in the future, but it has proven to be very difficult to get - and today, things came to a head with those difficulties, nearly putting me in a complete mental breakdown. In a way, the same may be said to be true for certain Pokémon things, and I've opted to discuss how that may be, with a certain saying and a certain format that I've used once before.

The saying suggests that a person is able (and/or proficient) in doing something, yet reality and the pressures contained therein might suggest a completely different situation. It has been used for evaluating the skills of people, though in affairs that are only distantly related to Pokémon. Yet so it is that Pokémon itself is composed of a variety of affairs, and they all demand certain abilities and proficiency in them; that's something that not everyone may be capable of, just like for the affairs with distant relations to Pokémon. 

A more closely related affair would be the training of Pokémon, as their masters (Trainers) are wont to do. It includes a lot of activities, all of which look simple to do or get through, but they actually aren't. It is no surprise, then, that some people who thought they could go through them turn out to be unable to do so, and they end up a failure. I myself can be considered a "failure child" of VGC, as I've never been able to make do with all its intricacies, which are the results of a quarter century of Pokémon development.

Certainly, there is much more to Pokémon than just training, and that's where the blank part (_____) of the title comes in. People may breed, care for, and rescue Pokémon - among a whole host of other things - and they are all appreciable. But to be able to do them excellently (more so than others), that's a feat only some people are capable of. This goes back to that saying, which has the implication of proving one's chops as being the best possible. That seems to remain an overarching theme of Pokémon, no matter what seems to be involved.

Regarding the fate of that thing I mentioned at the beginning, it still remains slightly out of reach at the moment, and there is both a strain (further mental breakdown) and an impetus (just getting it done) in obtaining it for the good of all things that may come with it, including Pokémon things. That much I can easily say; whatever happens next may be more difficult than what I had envisioned. Yet by the saying I mentioned, it may be the thought that counts, which will beget the actions I would need to do to show that I am able - in my case, when Pokémon is also a concern.

One year ago: The Fossil Cup of GBL

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