Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Notes on Development Notes

I may have said this too few or many times, but it bears repeating that Silph Arena is on the verge of going out, even if it's not for another two months. Before that happens, though, it is still pertinent to make other discussions on the things that have shaped Pokémon Go PvP as facilitated through the site. One of those is the themed cups and the development notes that are provided with them. Their insights are unique, which is why since the previous season to this one, I've incorporated a summary of them in my discussions of the themed cups.

These development notes have actually existed for the longest time, even under a previous name, the "Meta Insights". They had been called as such because these notes (and for that matter, the themed cups themselves) are developed by the Silph Arena Meta Team, whether by a certain preeminent member of the team or the team as a whole without individual credit. In more recent cases, that individual is one Matthew Brewer, who had recently been inducted as a part of the team... unfortunately as part of the "final batch", effectively.

Even so, the current and final season of Silph Arena has had some inconsistency in this regard. The themed cup for the previous month, which was Arcana and a derivative from Factions, seems to have no such notes, and this appears to be affirmed by a search of specific sources. The same also had seemed to apply to Ember that kicked off the season, but for this one, this was disproved by a simple URL substitution that revealed that the notes do exist... one month after my discussion of the themed cup. However, it was posted on the site with a timestamp of January 1, 2022, which likely means that many have missed it and didn't realize it.

For that, I feel the need to include the discussion of this errant edition of the development notes. Essentially, the Ember theme was built to spotlight the Fire type and neutral play without certain Pokémon becoming rampant, which is why the types are the way they are, including of the "curated" species. To do that, the bans had to remove threats from other types, "fallback" species (including those that dictate certain ways of battling), and hard-to-access counters. This was thought to be evident by Factions but later became slightly disproved as the individual competition went on.

Because of the impending disestablishment of the Silph Arena, there are no more themed cups from them to speak of, along with the development notes that customarily accompany them. But what does exist remains a fascinating insight into how the Silph Arena and its Meta Team ticked into creating the 40 themed cups that have since become well-known among the community in its PvP journey. It's a journey that has to end in two months, sadly, but at least some of the trails of it still remain - at least for the time being.

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