Saturday, June 17, 2023

The Mystique of 151

Over four years ago, I discussed the wonders of the number 25, a number with a certain Pokémon connection. This time, I'd like to discuss a number that is closely related, at least relatively. That number is of course 151, which I deem to have a certain aura of mystique about it, moreover because of its significance for the early history of Pokémon.

The number is certainly the Dex number for Mew, the very last Pokémon of the first generation. It may be considered an afterthought by the way it was added, but it was effectively a fortunate afterthought. The species is practically the face and representative of its class, Mythical Pokémon, and it has made its way not just in the main series games but also in other games like Pokémon Unite. Add in its unique versatility, and it becomes hard to believe that it was first present on a whim.

Beyond Mew, though, the number is an effective delimiter of its generation. It is then no surprise that one of the Japanese ending themes of the Kanto saga of the anime is titled just that: "Hyaku-gojuu-ichi" (hyphens added for clarity), which in Japanese means "one hundred fifty one". Content-wise, it's another one of those songs that bring up the virtues of Pokémon species, specifically those contained within this Dex range from the beginning.

In similar fashion, the TCG has recently come out with an expansion to its Scarlet & Violet series, titled, aptly... "151". As expected, it would bring back Pokémon species of the first generation for play with current sensibilities; even Mew itself is present on the Booster Bundle box and color silhouettes of Pokémon from this generational cohort decorate the packaging. It might seem slightly out of place, but the generational cohort is always in place for any Pokémon fan, even now.

As for mathematical wonderings, 151 is a prime number, and that is the most significant property without considering all the more esoteric ones. It's a little befitting that the first Mythical Pokémon gets assigned a number of such stature as its "prime" example. It's also palindromic (the same backwards and forwards) and that might be representative of the versatility quirk that the species has become known for.

Without a doubt, the number 151 has become ingrained among Pokémon fans for its characteristics as a representative of one of its quirkiest species and a summation of what initially represented Pokémon. That much I consider "mystical" and indeed Mythical as well, going by all that it stands for in relation to Pokémon. 

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