Saturday, June 24, 2023

Cosplay: Indonesia Comic Con - Pop Asia 2023, Day 2

Goh: OK, so it's Day 2.

Me: So, we don't need to go over details of structure because it's still the same, aside from the schedule of events today. But there is one difference.

Ash: You got me with my Kalos outfit today!

Pikachu: Pika chu pika! ["It looks neat!"]

Me: That, just for a change of pace. Now, today, we're all about the continuation of yesterday.

Goh: More Rica Matsumoto?

Me: You better believe it. But we don't have to go all out on this day - just a character pass will do.

Goh: A character pass, huh.

Me: Yes - Ash can get in slightly cheaper that way. How did that turn out?

Ash: You gave me the ticket, but then I had to show a picture of myself. But I got in, no problem.

Pikachu: Pi, pi pika. ["Yeah, that worked."]

Me: It's a wondrous thing, that character pass. 

Ash: After that, someone invited me to get into a "character runway". I was told it's just a character parade.

Goh: But I've looked at the schedule, and it says "character runaway".

Me: You know, I thought that was funny too; why would this convention have a "character runaway"? I thought it was going to be a stage play or something like that. But if it's a competition, no problem - go ahead. I'm pretty sure this is a major error that they didn't bother to correct.

Ash: Yeah! I got in.

Me: Great! The rest of the day should be like yesterday - go around, get pictures taken, meet other people - but then there is the Rica Matsumoto thing and now effectively a competition for us. So let's start with that first one.

Ash: Yeah, so it was called "This Is Her Voice" - maybe, my voice - and she talked a lot about how she got to sing and act with her voice. She even gave tips for beginners.

Goh: What did she say?

Ash: Um, let's see... I guess the big thing is "don't pretend, be" with your voice. She also said that she wanted to "give back" to the people who listen to her, and to make other people happy.

Me: You know, there are a lot of similarities with that and why I've sent Ash as a character [OOC: in cosplay] all these years - and why I got you to sing as well eventually. The result is where we are today.

Ash: Oh yeah! She also said that she started singing and voice acting because of some physical things.

Me: More similarities. See, all these insights are great. Now we know about ourselves and how we can make things work.

Ash: After the talk, they started selling goodies that were signed by her. I got you a signed postcard! But it was a bit of a spend. And everyone got into a rock-paper-scissors giveaway for a poster, but there was only one and I lost in the first round.

Me: Well, as they say, it's better to get the ball rolling now than to wait for who knows how long. And that giveaway is a total pure luck, so don't fret.

Ash: Oh, um, the staff also had a mix-up - even with the MC - for this one like the performance ticket the other day.

Goh: You'd think they've learned to communicate more effectively, even with the schedule error like what just happened.

Ash: The MC was the one who got it sorted out.

Goh: See what I mean?

Pikachu: Pika chu. ["It had to happen."]

Me: Well, anyway, the problem is behind us and more or less resolved. What else happened?

Ash: A lot of people got to take pictures with her, but we had to keep our distance.

Me: Understandable, being that she's a big star and even in today's world. On that note, let's move on to the "runaway runway". That should be a closer matter.

Goh: There must have been many characters in it.

Ash: No, just around 70 or so. Maybe because it was on a Saturday. Everyone still got 10 to 15 seconds to perform.

Me: And the all-important question: who won?

Ash: I thought I would win... and I did! For a special category: Best Pokémon Character.

Goh: WOW!

Pikachu: Pika chuu!! ["Awesome!!"]

Me: Oh my! This is big! This is almost like at the national level!

Goh: You know, you really could think of it that way.

Ash: I got a lot of books as a prize! But they're big and heavy too. Luckily your friend from earlier this year could help with them.

Me: Nice! I'm sure you two had a great time with each other.

Ash: We did - for a real convention this time!

Goh: This is as real as you can get.

Me: I'm sure you'd agree that this has to be one of the most awesome convention weekends and days ever because of all the things that happened today and yesterday.

Ash, Goh: Yeah!!

Pikachu: Pika!! ["Yeah!!"]

Me: Now, I also have to say that the convention actually lasts for three days, but we've already spent so much on the first two days that we might just not need the third.

Goh: I kind of agree.

Me: Even so, let's just let tomorrow unfold and see what happens then. We both (mostly me, but you could too) have some business then in the area... and you just never know what might happen, like today.

Ash: I'll be on the ready!

Me: Whatever happens, you know this is one for the ages.

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