Monday, June 5, 2023

Come to Me, Hidden Gems

Come to me, come to me
Come give me all your colors
I can see the shades of life
With you I'm feeling free
Come to me, come to me
Come give me all your colors
I can see the shades of life
With you I'm feeling free...
-- "Come to Me", Ace of Base

The previous Pokémon Go season and all Pokémon happenings therein led me to recall a rather somber song for the occasion of its ending. Now, at the beginning of this new season, I find that it makes me recall a more upbeat song instead, from one of my favorite music groups. Part of the reason is that the song is taken from the first album after they went into "dormancy" composed of previously unreleased songs, titled, ahem... "Hidden Gems", the same moniker as for this new season. So it is yet another musical inspiration.

Like many of the group's songs and pop music in general, it's a love song or one that alludes to it. Its lyrics tell of prospective lovers that might just be able to come together and devote themselves to that love. It almost acts as a proxy for the spirit conveyed by the title of the album it is placed in, as two "hidden gem" lovers who may someday find each other and become the partners of their dreams. Though it's not really a "title track", it could be considered to convey much of the same sentiments as one, if such a track had been commissioned.

In relating this to the Pokémon situation, this Pokémon Go season is called "Hidden Gems", so as I've initially discussed, it has to deal with finding those in all their wonderful forms. With the lyrics of the chorus as quoted above, in the finding of those "hidden gems", there is the sense that it's not just about finding them but also calling them to be found. And once they are found, they can then lend their support ("colors") that make the lives of Trainers all the more worthwhile (and "free") as the song suggests. This may be considered a natural consequence of the process.

As a theme, "hidden gems" implies a lot of prospective matters, from seeking them in their undiscovered state to displaying them as they are discovered. It applied very well for the music group's album - and this particular song from that album - and it may be expected as Pokémon Go adopts a season with such a title, suggesting the prospective matters for both itself and in Pokémon happenings in general. If anything, by both the season and the song, there should be some inspiration for Trainers to make the season all that it can be (found).

Three years ago: The Pokémon Battlefields
Four years ago: Holding Hands
Five years ago: Raid Preferences
Six years ago: Sympathy for Villains

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