Wednesday, May 31, 2023

The Peak of Rising Heroes

And as usual, there is the end of the Pokémon Go season to deal with. As has always been the norm, I consider it a "peak" rather than an "end", and I always look for reflections not just from Pokémon Go but also from other aspects of Pokémon where relevant. Now, I had earlier mentioned the two elements of enigmas and dynamics that might just become relevant to those happenings way back at the season's beginning, and in a way, they have; if this season's theme has some relationships to comic books, it may then be considered that those elements play into the season's "plot" and "drama", in both Pokémon Go and beyond.

Those who have played Pokémon Go will already have recognized the "plot" and "drama" that has occurred throughout this season with the changing of certain mechanics - not necessarily for the better - and how that has resulted in a certain enigma and dynamic, one of which is certain to change the face of the community. Some have even dubbed the season as "Rising Prices" instead, which may be regarded as true within and outside Pokémon Go. It seems that as Trainers in here had to rise up with what was presented, they also had to rise up against what was presented, and that took the essence of the season in a quite different direction.

In other aspects of Pokémon, some of the enigmas and dynamics - still related to the concept of heroes that rise up - have been elucidated through the edition of Pokémon Presents that in a way also heralded the season, and have occurred as such. Yet, some happenings that then occurred within the bounds of this season had not been elucidated at that time and instead happened as the season unfolded. They also had to happen as other things fall, which evokes the "against" part as with Pokémon Go above. Still others will need to wait their turn in order to be able to rise up, and thus it seems the spirit of the season will continue outside it.

(With the above, it seems that heroes have to rise in both the best and the worst cases, and that prompts me to think of a certain related song - though I'll save it for a separate discussion since it goes so deep.)

Now as the season ends, it has become evident that what is (was) supposed to be a season of people and things rising to heroic supremacy also involved some tumultuous and even declining affairs. That seemingly may demand people to try to make the best of it, even to search for the little things that make it as such. This spirit, along with the main "rising" affair, seems to have to go on as well, and in fact, the next season's offerings could be rather evocative of that. At least, Pokémon is still to be had wherever one may be in the current state of things, particularly with the "plot" and "drama" that has unfolded and will unfold.

One year ago: The Peak of Alola

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