Saturday, May 27, 2023

Introducing Shadow Raids

For the longest time, Gyms in Pokémon Go have been free from the influence of Team Go Rocket (or the possibility of falling under that influence). That has recently changed, as it is now possible for Team Go Rocket to invade Gyms for a time, set up operations, and unleash a strong Pokémon influenced by the darkness. The task of Trainers then becomes to counter these Pokémon in battle and ward off the nefarious team. This comes in the form of a new kind of raids: Shadow Raids.

As can be inferred, these raids involve Shadow Pokémon, this time as raid bosses. A Shadow Raid will occur when a raid boss egg appears but is enveloped in the fiery darkness that is characteristic of Shadow Pokémon in general. Once the raid starts, Team Go Rocket takes control of the Gym and the Shadow raid boss appears to be battled. Successfully defeating the raid boss will result in a Pokémon encounter as usual, only as with defeating members of Team Go Rocket at PokéStops, it will be of a Shadow Pokémon. Overall, it's more or less like a normal raid... but there are a few exceptions.

The primary difference is these raids are local (in-person) only, which means remote passes cannot be used to battle in them, no one can be invited to them, and private groups cannot be created, forcing Trainers to battle on the spot with whatever consequences that might bring. Raid bosses of three stars or higher will also become "enraged" in the middle of battle, which makes it harder to defeat them as this happens. There are also no Mega Raids with Shadow Pokémon (as they cannot Mega Evolve), and the Gym Control ball bonus is not awarded due to the Gyms being under Team Go Rocket.

In order to "subdue" the enraged bosses, Trainers can use a Purified Gem during the raid battle, which is obtained by collecting four Shadow Shards by defeating Team Go Rocket in any capacity, including Shadow Raids themselves. These along with the raids themselves had been introduced for a few days at this point, and the Purified Gem is effectively the first mid-battle item in Pokémon Go, at least discounting Potions and Revives that can be used in battle but not while it is progressing. In effect, these raids introduce themselves and other facets as novelties for friend and foe alike.

However the case, this is undeniably Team Go Rocket's biggest undertaking yet since they started operations in Pokémon Go a while back. And now they and their Pokémon have encroached upon what is considered a "sanctuary" of sorts for Trainers, even with them not directly affecting the Pokémon in them. Regardless, the task of Trainers remains the same in this situation: to defeat Team Go Rocket and detach their influence from the Gyms and the Shadow Pokémon while getting something useful out of it.

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