Thursday, May 18, 2023

Every Day Is a Grind

The topic that I'd like to discuss for this one may not be specifically related to Pokémon and is rather general, but it has links to Pokémon regardless and deserves to be discussed. Any gamer ought to be familiar with "grinding", the (repetitive) process of developing something of great use for games, usually involving the generation of resources. It's a typical process for games, and even Pokémon games are included. What's more, it's something that can and does happen each day - needless to say, also with Pokémon games.

When it comes to Pokémon, the most common objects of daily grind are the species themselves (in games with individual instances like the main series and Pokémon Go) and/or accumulated resources like Stardust (Go) or Golden Acorns or cookies (Café Remix). The grind most likely has to be performed each day, or else it may become impossible to catch up if preparations, particularly if they happen to occur within or by way of specialized periods. Either way, each day provides an opportunity for these to be built up.

Of course, the grind each day also depends on what game(s) a Trainer may be involved in, which may be few or many. It is likely that Trainers will be divested in certain Pokémon games, making them primary targets for grinding efforts, while others are more secondary in nature. Whatever the game(s), involvement in them might also involve scheduling to allow certain durations of certain games on certain days, which could likely lead to certain complications. Yet that may be how it is when grinding occurs each day. 

For example, with my dealings in Pokémon Go, which could be considered my primary Pokémon game these days, a good few hours spent on the game for daily tasks and building up Stardust are in order, while the puzzle Pokémon games necessitate a moderate amount of hours spent just to keep up with progress on the events there and to make sure that the Pokémon keep up for those events and others that may be on the horizon. As for other Pokémon games... they'll receive the grind when it is necessary to grind.

Something that becomes clear is that efforts to make progress ("grind") are clearly needed in any game, even each and every day. With the scope of Pokémon games today, that becomes more true than ever. There are always things that need to be put in the grinding process, which will require time to be spent on them within the day. Nevertheless, for gamers, that should be oddly familiar with all the games that they play, including those whose devotion lies in the great big world of Pokémon and all its games.

Four years ago: Trainer Image Cards
Five years ago: Marathons...?
Six years ago: Pins and Pins

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