Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Pokémon Go Community Day, 5/21/2023

Me: And then there's that one Pokémon matter as an aside from the festival on Sunday.

Goh: Of course. It had to be Community Day.

Me: You'd better believe it. This is the first one in a long time that conflicted with a festival or convention that I had wanted or needed to send Ash to, and the first since the regular supported meetups began.

Ash: But hey, we got off easy this time! I could just go to the meetup with no problem.

Pikachu: Pika! ["No prob!"]

Me: Luckily. If things were different, Ash might not have been able to go at all. Although... the festival had tried to be scheduled the Sunday before that, but it got shifted to last Sunday due to the venue schedule. If that had happened, we wouldn't be discussing it today, nor would there be the conflict.

Goh: We can only be glad that things worked out.

Me: All right, enough of that. Anyhow, this edition's featured Pokémon is Fennekin, which Ash should recognize.

Ash: Haha, it's one of Serena's Pokémon from Kalos!

Me: Yeah, that.

Goh: It's a starter Pokémon and a Fire-type, so it had to get Blast Burn as a special move when it was evolved to Delphox after Braixen.

Me: Indeed, but there's also a twist this time. So, I'm sure you know that Delphox has a "signature move" of its own, which would be Mystical Fire. The moment of this Community Day also became the debut of that move, but you don't get it during the event.

Ash: So how do you get it?

Me: You get it by evolving it outside the event, so once the Blast Burn "move window" is up, you evolve it then.

Goh: OK, so in other words, you wait until the event is over, then you evolve it.

Me: Exactly. But I'm sure Blast Burn is still needed, so you'd still need to have evolved some during the event.

Goh: Any other things that we have to know about what happened then? 

Me: Well, as usual, there were bonuses to be had. Tripled Stardust was the big thing, and Candy and Candy XL chance was doubled. Of course, you had to use Incense and/or Lure Modules to get more Fennekin to appear, which were extended... and you could take pictures too. And if you needed to trade, they were discounted and you could make another Special Trade if you needed.

Ash: I got to work with Professor Willow again - it was a bunch of tasks called "Fur and Flames". I saw some Braixen raids that you could raid to get more Fennekin, and someone did raid at the end. I also did a few tasks from PokéStops and got a lot of Fennekin stickers.

Me: Excellent. Now, I'm sure the meetup was a success.

Ash: It was! It was in the same place as February and March. But some had to leave early for different reasons...

Pikachu: Pika chu! ["Looks nice!"]

Goh: What did you evolve for our friend?

Ash: There was a really good one that our friend already had, and as a Buddy too, so I evolved that one. I also evolved a Shiny one that looks like it might be good for battle, so I evolved that and another one. They all just had Blast Burn.

Me: That's pretty good. I'll take care of the Mystical Fire bit myself later on.

Goh: How did the others do?

Ash: Some people got the best one they could from tasks, but l wasn't lucky.

Goh: Well, it does depend a bit on chance, so that's not to worry about.

Ash: I did get lots of Fennekin Candy and Candy XL, and some Stardust. 

Me: Hey, that's all that matters. And as usual, connecting me and other people - both here and at the festival.

Ash: It was a hot day at the festival and now here, but it was great! I got back to the festival after things were done.

Me: Good - that's what I expected. Won't Serena be proud herself.

Ash: I'm sure she'd like it! 

Pikachu: Pi pika! ["I agree!"]

Goh: It's been a great three days in conversation. Looking back, lots of things really did happen.

Me: At least it's a great way - and a different way - for us to present things.

Ash: I wonder if it can happen again.

Me: Well, you never know, you never know. We might have to consult Delphox about that.

Ash, Goh: Haha!!

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