Tuesday, May 30, 2023

The State of Nominations, Part 22

Of course, after two months, I have to update on my progress on PokéStop nominations. This time, the update is not only on what has happened to them since two months ago, but also on how I keep track of them. It's something that I've always done since the beginning with a certain method that served its purpose well at the start, but has become unwieldy at this point. Thus, I sought to change that method, and the change has worked so well that it has made me slightly more active in both the nomination process and the use of Wayfarer to observe them. And that is a good thing for these updates.

Earlier, I had used a text file to keep track of nominations, but I've since changed it to a spreadsheet. The former was fine when there were few(er) nominations, but now it had just gotten too long and too much, so it was definitely time to change to the latter. In doing so, I'm also able to keep track of their states simultaneously, both as I regard them and as Wayfarer regards them; it also helps me to count them in different ways, something that has become way too hard with just a text file. Furthermore, during the conversion, I also had found that I had duplicate records for different nominations, which were resolved as the conversion was made - obviously an important discovery. It's a wonder how I ever got by with just the text file and its complications therein.

With that out of the way, now I can present the numbers definitively. In all, I've made 170 nominations that I consider distinct, not including renominations without significant changes, or errors like accidental double submissions (which have happened); this is an increase of 10 from 160 at the end of March. Of these, according to Wayfarer, I have 90 Accepted, 43 Not Accepted, 11 marked as Duplicate, 4 Appealed, 6 In Voting, and 16 In Queue. Notably, since last time, I managed to win the appeal for one of my appealed nominations, allowing it to become Accepted. Although these do not completely reflect the entirety of nominations as they are on Wayfarer, it is simpler to discuss them as such, but still with their Wayfarer status.

As for my own status on them, I have 89 approved, 33 rejected, 22 superseded, 4 appealed, and 22 submitted. While the appealed and submitted nominations correspond as above (In Queue + In Voting for the latter), the other three have different correspondences. A Duplicate nomination is certain to be superseded, but 10 of the superseded ones are actually Not Accepted, and 1 is actually Accepted. This continues to show that my considerations for statuses are quite different from those of Wayfarer, but there are still rough correspondences between them and thus the statuses.

Thanks to the spreadsheet, I'm also able to evaluate the "turnaround" of the nominations, as the number of days between the date of the first submission and that of the latest decision that applies to them. By far, the shortest is 2 days for 3 nominations, 2 becoming Accepted and 1 becoming Not Accepted. As for the longest, that would be 1119 days (3 years and 24 days, just shy of another month) for a nomination that was initially Not Accepted around a month after its nomination three years ago and remained as such due to the condition of the object, but then was able to be nominated differently and became Accepted, thus leading me to consider the original nomination superseded. This is just one example of the different considerations that I apply.

Changing the way I keep track of my PokéStop nominations from a text file to a spreadsheet has proven to be a significant step, but it also has implications that are as equally significant as that change. One of these implications is the improvement in the visibility of nomination progressions through the way the data are presented, and another is the easier manipulation of the information I have regarding them. Ultimately, it was an update that was absolutely required just as much as making this progression update in general every two months, and that's not something that is likely to change, for as long as Pokémon Go still has a place and there is a need to expand its overworld through nominations.

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