Wednesday, May 3, 2023

What to Evolve for Community Day

A lot of things have happened in Pokémon Go since the first edition of Community Day came about. Specifically, a lot of Pokémon have been added along with a number of conditional forms for them. Though the fate of the former will become progressively clear with further editions of Community Day, the latter might not be so clear-cut, and it may become confusing to decide which ones to evolve. To that end, I've decided to make a write-up on what a Trainer might want and need to evolve (or should evolve) when Community Day comes about for certain Pokémon.

Though it might go without saying, one should evolve the best one for Community Day purposes. This doesn't always have to be a perfect one - more so if, say, it leads to the Mamoswine that comes out of the Swinub edition - and it may be one that can suit the special move; further, if it might be fodder for Master League, then a Pokémon with a high Attack has to be imperative. Another one that might go without saying to be evolved is a Shiny one, as that has been the crux of the various editions of Community Day, to feature the Shiny form of a featured species in its debut or just to be obtained. And if that happens to be the best one, then it needs not to be questioned further.

In light of the above, a Buddy Pokémon that is a featured species ought to be evolved; this is almost always the case for me since most of my Buddy Pokémon are or have been featured species, making them one as soon as the next one is announced. A Best Buddy would also be great in this case. Likewise, a Lucky Pokémon becomes pertinent for evolution, especially as more recent main editions (not Classic) have included trading bonuses that make it rather attractive to try to get a Lucky Pokémon if one already doesn't have one. It's quite likely that some Trainers will have already "booked" an ad hoc Lucky Trade so this can happen, particularly involving a Shiny form.

Since many (recent) editions have had special moves that are optimized for PvP, evolving ones that are suited for use in Great League and/or Ultra League may be in order. This is true even if the special moves seem useless at first, so it may be best to have them just in case changes in format (themed cup) can accommodate them. Still, it is important to know that some evolved Pokémon may not have sufficient stats to make it for Ultra League - Jumpluff is one of them - and stat demands may be different for both leagues, so it may be important to check references for their use in PvP beforehand to see what applies.

Even more specialized than evolving for PvP is evolving the Shadow and/or Purified forms of the Pokémon. If the featured species isn't already available as the former, then the point is moot, but if it is, then the forms may be considered. This is particularly the case if the forms are already prepared, including Shadow Pokémon without the Frustration move, which will be able to learn the special move consequently. As with any of the above, if the situation allows for the evolution of these two forms, then it may need to be taken advantage of, moreover if they also apply.

Community Day is certain to involve more Pokémon in further editions, and some of those Pokémon are likely to be of different conditional forms, including the ones above that I highlighted. Any or all of these forms, by my prior experience as well as that of others, may need to be considered for evolution during an applicable edition for the possible benefit of a Trainer, sooner if not later. While it might still take a bit of decision-making for the ones that truly need to be evolved, at least some things may already be clear as the editions of Community Day come and go.

Three years ago: The Call of the Forest
Four years ago: Localizing the TCG
Six years ago: Gender Mismatch Detected

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