Tuesday, May 16, 2023

More Available Regular Formats for General PvP?

Outside of the Go Battle League, Pokémon Go allows for the three common leagues (Great, Ultra, and Master) to be chosen in general for battling against other Trainers or even team leaders. These ought to work well for most cases, yet at the same time, it might be good to have some other formats to help enforce certain restrictions, especially to assist the creation of other derivative formats. As such, it might be good to discuss the additions and their possibilities.

Some basic criteria seems to have to apply for the additions. Because the formats to be added may be considered an extension of the general leagues, they arguably have to be simple in restrictions as well, further if more restrictions are to be added. This means that complex restrictive formats like Kanto Cup or Color Cup would be just that - too restrictively specific for this purpose. Some closer-to-general formats would be better in this regard.

Another criteria is that the additional formats ought to not make selection of formats seem overwhelming. In other words, they shouldn't make Trainers feel that there are too many formats to choose from nor should they become confused. From this, it can be reasoned that there also shouldn't be too many formats added on either, and things should be kept as simple as possible. This is even more so, given that the common leagues are already a good start.

Based on the above, the best possible addition that satisfies the criteria is a Premier format (no Legendary, no Mythical) that is a derivative of one of the common leagues. The best candidates to receive the treatment are Ultra League and Master League, the ones where the Pokémon to be restricted above are often present, and accordingly for their most common implementations in Go Battle League; they're also rather sensible and still open.

Though it does seem like a simple thing to consider, a few things do make the addition of general PvP format selections not so simple, as may be the idea itself and how that reflects the current state of PvP in general for Pokémon Go. Even so, the formats to be added may make it simpler to apply restrictions, at least some general ones that most Trainers can understand and that may make it simpler to be expanded into derivative formats, in turn still including some simplicity.

Three years ago: A Multicultural Cast
Four years ago: Carry On Carryin' On
Five years ago: The Living Dex
Six years ago: Pastrana and Pikachu

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