Sunday, May 14, 2023

Consolidation: New Café Remix Updates

Pokémon Café Remix is not shy on updates, which it has to have for every Pokémon event that comes its way. But the updates can also bring changes to the interface, and that has been evident with some of the more recent updates. Those recent updates can also be described as updates that offered "consolidation", a "bringing together" of sorts, and they're worth exploring in some way for what they bring.

The first consolidation occurred with news and event tidbits, which were "consolidated" in a new graphical interface some time ago. The interface has the relevant tidbits organized in a sidebar of buttons on the left that when tapped display the relevant content on the right panel, while news and event tidbits are separated by category selection buttons on the top. This interface makes it possible to move to certain tidbits to go through and read them quickly, at least far more quickly than with the previous popup interface, so the change has been welcome.

More recently, access of the main gameplay areas have been "consolidated" with just a single "Order" button on the lower right. When tapped, this brings up a screen that displays currently active main events, progress on main orders, and buttons to access past orders as well as menu development, which means that the latter two (three) have been integrated in this manner. The active main events themselves - which often involve One-Minute Cooking - for some time had been promoted alongside accessing main orders in general, so it seems to make sense that all of these are "consolidated" as such.

Another "consolidation" occurred with the Cookie Shop and Pokémon leveling. Now, the Pokémon whose cookies could be bought in that shop with Milestone Cookies can have higher levels uncapped by spending Milestone Cookies proportional to their cookie prices directly at the Pokémon information screen, and thus the Cookie Shop was rendered unnecessary and removed altogether. While only Delivery-gained and certain non-event Pokémon apply for this treatment, at least this removes a disjoint in the necessary effort and simplifies things.

With the "consolidation" updates above, a good deal of features were not only brought together but were also simplified as a result. It is in some ways necessary for a game that becomes more complex with additions over time, for both Pokémon and playable stages, and "consolidation" serves well to tame down that complexity and make further updates all the more worthwhile, especially with new things.

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