Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Towards the TCGL Horizon

In February, I had already brought up the matter of Trading Card Game Live (or TCGL) as the expected successor to the current Trading Card Game Online (or TCGO) for playing the Pokémon TCG virtually. Back then, the discussion was prompted by the development cutoff date of March 1 this year, which had come and gone; now, the next milestone of shutdown and retirement ("sunsetting") is at hand, and thus I need to make a post on it to serve as both a discussion and a reminder to take care of things as that milestone looms.

So, that milestone has been announced, and that would be... June 5 at 4 PM UTC, becoming the final day for TCGO. This would then be followed by the release of TCGL, which would be three days later on June 8 along with the latest expansion to the game. Of course, at that point, the matter of migration becomes relevant (if it isn't already is or was, as some are already on TCGL even in beta); that has been explained by the online FAQ and my "distillation" of it into something more succinct and direct. The date is less than a month away, so it remains wise to pay attention to that date and the matters that come with it.

For those already on TCGL, they should be "home free" whether or not the migration has been performed - in the latter case, eventually as the beta wraps up. For those still on TCGO, it should be good to remind that there are things that will and will not migrate to the TCGL, as stated and discussed earlier. Whatever happens has to happen now, in the time of less than a month before the sunsetting of TCGO, and as with the transfer of Pokémon on Nintendo consoles - even with some present leeway - it's effectively a "say your prayers" matter for some things that are not accomplished even if they can be right now.

TCGL, as noted, represents something new on the horizon for virtual TCG play as well as for the TCG in general. The path that leads to it is already evident, and now so is the distance to get there with the announcement of the firm date for the sunsetting of TCGO. With that, all that is left is to take care of remnant matters for those still on TCGO, while those on TCGL may just be able to sit tight. Either way, the journey continues towards the horizon where the TCGL awaits and TCGO fades away on the other end.

Two years ago: Glyphs of Pokémon?
Three years ago: Playing Pokémon All Day
Five years ago: A Place for VGC

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