Monday, May 22, 2023

Let's Talk About Perpetual Connections

Me: And... the second part of the three days of conversation is a special occasion - at least something that we (mostly I) personally believe as such, and has been for a few years now.

Ash: It's my birthday!

Goh: Happy birthday!

Pikachu: Pika chu! ["Happy day!"]

Me: So, there's that. As with the past few years, we're tying the discussion with a choice topic. This year, I've chosen the topic of "perpetual connections".

Goh: "Perpetual" - so it's like "everlasting" or "a really long time".

Me: That's the gist. In relation to what Goh just mentioned, I don't know if you know this or not, but Pokémon has been around for a long time - at least for me. For you two, it might seem more like a blip in time even though a lot of things have happened.

Ash: I get what you mean. I've been there, done that - and a lot of things have happened. It feels like a really short time.

Goh: I haven't been around as long as Ash, so my time has been shorter. But I can see how that would be for you two.

Me: The point is that no matter how long it's been, I just can't see myself disconnecting from Pokémon. It's just that important - and in that case, it's almost effectively a "perpetual connection".

Ash: I mean, I feel the same way with Pikachu. We've always been together, and it's hard for anyone to break that.

Pikachu: Pi pika. ["Surely."]

Goh: I don't want to be the one either! But seriously, it's also like trying to separate me from Mew. It just can't happen. So that is a "perpetual connection" too.

Me: See, we're getting to the point of this. And then there's all the people we've met that are related to Pokémon. I'm sure Ash can name a lot already.

Ash: Sure, there's Brock, Misty, May, Max, Dawn, Iris, Serena, Lillie... 

Goh: This can go on forever. In my case, it would be similar to Chloe, Professor Cerise and his assistants, and others.

Ash: Oh, sorry. Yeah, it's quite a lot. 

Me: Then, for me, there are those who play with me, enjoy with me, connect with me... I can only describe the specifics and cannot name each and every person individually - trust me, there's a lot as well in this regard.

Goh: You don't need to go in details. I'm sure we already understand, and so do everyone who's paying attention to us.

Me: Speaking of paying attention, there is actually one matter that has come to light in connection to all of us by now very clearly, and it actually should have affected us and how we do things like this even today.

Goh: Oh, um...

Ash: We...

Pikachu: Pi... ["Um..."]

Me: Rest assured that regardless of the matter, you two, Ash in particular, will have a "perpetual connection" to everyone and especially me. I'll deal with the matter when it becomes pertinent. 

Ash, Goh: We'll wait for you!

Me: Thanks. For now, today's occasion is always a heartfelt one even if it may not be all that evident anyhow. But who cares?

Ash: Don't worry about it.

Goh: We understand.

Me: That's what makes "perpetual connections" so important, even on a day like today.

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